Source code for biapy.config.config

import os
from yacs.config import CfgNode as CN

[docs]class Config: def __init__(self, job_dir, job_identifier): if "/" in job_identifier: raise ValueError("Job name can not contain / character. Provided: {}".format(job_identifier)) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Config definition #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _C = CN() #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # System #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _C.SYSTEM = CN() # Maximum number of CPUs to use. Set it to "-1" to not set a limit. _C.SYSTEM.NUM_CPUS = -1 # Maximum number of workers to use. You can disable this option by setting 0. _C.SYSTEM.NUM_WORKERS = 5 # Do not set it as its value will be calculated based in --gpu input arg _C.SYSTEM.NUM_GPUS = 0 # Math seed to generate random numbers. Used to ensure reproducibility in the results. _C.SYSTEM.SEED = 0 # Pin CPU memory in DataLoader for more efficient (sometimes) transfer to GPU. _C.SYSTEM.PIN_MEM = True #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Problem specification #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _C.PROBLEM = CN() # Possible options: 'SEMANTIC_SEG', 'INSTANCE_SEG', 'DETECTION', 'DENOISING', 'SUPER_RESOLUTION', # 'SELF_SUPERVISED', 'CLASSIFICATION' and 'IMAGE_TO_IMAGE' _C.PROBLEM.TYPE = 'SEMANTIC_SEG' # Possible options: '2D' and '3D' _C.PROBLEM.NDIM = '2D' ### SEMANTIC_SEG _C.PROBLEM.SEMANTIC_SEG = CN() # Class id to ignore when MODEL.N_CLASSES > 2 _C.PROBLEM.SEMANTIC_SEG.IGNORE_CLASS_ID = 0 ### INSTANCE_SEG _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG = CN() # Possible options: 'BC', 'BP', 'BD', 'BCM', 'BCD', 'BCDv2', 'Dv2' and 'BDv2'. This variable determines the channels to be created # based on input instance masks. These option are composed from these individual options: # - 'B' stands for 'Binary segmentation', containing each instance region without the contour. # - 'C' stands for 'Contour', containing each instance contour. # - 'D' stands for 'Distance', each pixel containing the distance of it to the instance contour. # - 'M' stands for 'Mask', contains the B and the C channels, i.e. the foreground mask. # Is simply achieved by binarizing input instance masks. # - 'Dv2' stands for 'Distance V2', which is an updated version of 'D' channel calculating background distance as well. # - 'P' stands for 'Points' and contains the central points of an instance (as in Detection workflow) _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS = 'BC' # Whether to mask the distance channel to only calculate the loss in those regions where the binary mask # defined by B channel is present _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DISTANCE_CHANNEL_MASK = True # Weights to be applied to the channels. _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNEL_WEIGHTS = (1, 1) # Contour creation mode. Corresponds to 'mode' arg of find_boundaries function from ``scikit-image``. More # info in: # It can be also set as "dense", to label as contour every pixel that is not in ``B`` channel. _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CONTOUR_MODE = "thick" # Whether if the threshold are going to be set as automaticaly (with Otsu thresholding) or manually. # Options available: 'auto' or 'manual'. If this last is used PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_MW_TH_* need to be set. # In case 'auto' was selected you will still need to set _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_MW_TH_TYPE = "auto" # To convert the model predictions, which are between 0 and 1 range, into instances with marked controlled # watershed (MW) a few thresholds need to be set. There can be up to three channels, as explained above and # based on 'PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS' value. Each threshold is related to one of these channels. See the details in # # # This variables are only used when _C.PROBLEM.TYPE = 'INSTANCE_SEG # TH_BINARY_MASK controls channel 'B' in the creation of the MW seeds _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_MW_TH_BINARY_MASK = 0.5 # TH_CONTOUR controls channel 'C' in the creation of the MW seeds _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_MW_TH_CONTOUR = 0.1 # TH_FOREGROUND acts over the channel 'B' and is used to limit how much the seeds can be grow _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_MW_TH_FOREGROUND = 0.3 # TH_DISTANCE controls channel 'D' in the creation of the MW seeds _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_MW_TH_DISTANCE = 1. # TH_POINTS controls channel 'P' in the creation of the MW seeds _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_MW_TH_POINTS = 0.5 # Size of small objects to be removed after doing watershed _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_REMOVE_SMALL_OBJ_BEFORE = 10 # Whether to remove objects before watershed _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_REMOVE_BEFORE_MW = False # Sequence of string to determine the morphological filters to apply to instance seeds. They will be done in that order. # Possible options 'dilate' and 'erode'. E.g. ['erode','dilate'] to erode first and dilate later. _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.SEED_MORPH_SEQUENCE = [] # Sequence of ints to determine the radius of the erosion or dilation for instance seeds _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.SEED_MORPH_RADIUS = [] # To erode and dilate the foreground mask before using marker controlled watershed. The idea is to remove the small holes # that may be produced so the instances grow without them _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.ERODE_AND_DILATE_FOREGROUND = False # Radius to erode the foreground mask _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.FORE_EROSION_RADIUS = 5 # Radius to dilate the foreground mask _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.FORE_DILATION_RADIUS = 5 # Whether to save watershed check files _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHECK_MW = False # Whether to apply or not the watershed to create instances slice by slice in a 3D problem. This can solve instances invading # others if the objects in Z axis overlap too much. _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.WATERSHED_BY_2D_SLICES = False ### DETECTION _C.PROBLEM.DETECTION = CN() # Size of the disk that will be used to dilate the central point created from the CSV file. 0 to not dilate and only create a 3x3 square. _C.PROBLEM.DETECTION.CENTRAL_POINT_DILATION = 3 _C.PROBLEM.DETECTION.CHECK_POINTS_CREATED = True # Whether to save watershed check files _C.PROBLEM.DETECTION.DATA_CHECK_MW = False ### DENOISING # Based Noise2Void paper: _C.PROBLEM.DENOISING = CN() # This variable corresponds to n2v_perc_pix from Noise2Void. It explanation is as follows: for faster training multiple # pixels per input patch can be manipulated. In our experiments we manipulated about 0.198% of the input pixels per # patch. For a patch size of 64 by 64 pixels this corresponds to about 8 pixels. This fraction can be tuned via this variable _C.PROBLEM.DENOISING.N2V_PERC_PIX = 0.198 # This variable corresponds to n2v_manipulator from Noise2Void. Most pixel manipulators will compute the replacement value based # on a neighborhood and this variable controls how to do that _C.PROBLEM.DENOISING.N2V_MANIPULATOR = 'uniform_withCP' # This variable corresponds to n2v_neighborhood_radius from Noise2Void. Size of the neighborhood to compute the replacement _C.PROBLEM.DENOISING.N2V_NEIGHBORHOOD_RADIUS = 5 # To apply a structured mask as is proposed in Noise2Void to alleviate the limitation of the method of not removing effectively # the structured noise (section 4.4 of their paper). _C.PROBLEM.DENOISING.N2V_STRUCTMASK = False ### SUPER_RESOLUTION _C.PROBLEM.SUPER_RESOLUTION = CN() # Upscaling to be done to the input images on every dimension. Examples: (2,2) in 2D or (2,2,2) in 3D. _C.PROBLEM.SUPER_RESOLUTION.UPSCALING = () ### SELF_SUPERVISED _C.PROBLEM.SELF_SUPERVISED = CN() # Pretext task to do. Options are as follows: # - 'crappify': crappifies input image by adding Gaussian noise and downsampling and upsampling it so the resolution # gets worsen. Then, the model is trained to recover the original images. # - 'masking': mask input image and the model needs to recover the original image. This option can only # be done with 'mae' transformer. This strategy follows the one proposed in: # Masked Autoencoders Are Scalable Vision Learners ( _C.PROBLEM.SELF_SUPERVISED.PRETEXT_TASK = 'crappify' # Downsizing factor to reshape the image. It will be downsampled and upsampled again by this factor so the # quality of the image is worsens _C.PROBLEM.SELF_SUPERVISED.RESIZING_FACTOR = 4 # Number between [0, 1] indicating the std of the Gaussian noise N(0,std). _C.PROBLEM.SELF_SUPERVISED.NOISE = 0.2 ### IMAGE_TO_IMAGE _C.PROBLEM.IMAGE_TO_IMAGE = CN() # To use a custom data loader to load a random image from each image sample folder. The data needs to be structured # in an special way, that is, instead of having images in the training/val folder a folder for each sample is expected, # where in each of those different versions of the same data sample will be placed. Visit the following tutorial # for a real use case and a more detailed description: # - _C.PROBLEM.IMAGE_TO_IMAGE.MULTIPLE_RAW_ONE_TARGET_LOADER = False #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Dataset #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _C.DATA = CN() # Save all data of a generator in the given path. _C.DATA.CHECK_GENERATORS = False # _C.PROBLEM.NDIM='2D' -> _C.DATA.PATCH_SIZE=(y,x,c) ; _C.PROBLEM.NDIM='3D' -> _C.DATA.PATCH_SIZE=(z,y,x,c) _C.DATA.PATCH_SIZE = (256, 256, 1) # Extract random patches during data augmentation (DA) _C.DATA.EXTRACT_RANDOM_PATCH = False # Create a probability map so the patches extracted will have a high probability of having an object in the middle # of it. Useful to avoid extracting patches which no foreground class information. Use it only when # 'PROBLEM.TYPE' is 'SEMANTIC_SEG' _C.DATA.PROBABILITY_MAP = False # Used when _C.DATA.EXTRACT_RANDOM_PATCH=True _C.DATA.W_FOREGROUND = 0.94 # Used when _C.DATA.PROBABILITY_MAP=True _C.DATA.W_BACKGROUND = 0.06 # Used when _C.DATA.PROBABILITY_MAP=True # Whether to reshape the dimensions that does not satisfy the patch shape selected by padding it with reflect. It's not # implemented in super-resolution workflow. _C.DATA.REFLECT_TO_COMPLETE_SHAPE = False _C.DATA.NORMALIZATION = CN() # Normalization type to use. Possible options: # 'div' to divide values from 0/255 (or 0/65535 if uint16) in [0,1] range # 'custom' to use DATA.NORMALIZATION.CUSTOM_MEAN and DATA.NORMALIZATION.CUSTOM_STD to normalize _C.DATA.NORMALIZATION.TYPE = 'div' # Whether to apply the normalization by sample ("image") or by all dataset statistics ("dataset"). Options: ["image", "dataset"] _C.DATA.NORMALIZATION.APPLICATION_MODE = "image" # Custom normalization variables: mean and std (they are calculated if not provided) _C.DATA.NORMALIZATION.CUSTOM_MEAN = -1.0 _C.DATA.NORMALIZATION.CUSTOM_STD = -1.0 # Whether to apply or not a percentile clipping before normalizing the data _C.DATA.NORMALIZATION.PERC_CLIP = False # Lower and upper bound for percentile clip. Must be set when DATA.NORMALIZATION.PERC_CLIP = 'True' _C.DATA.NORMALIZATION.PERC_LOWER = -1.0 _C.DATA.NORMALIZATION.PERC_UPPER = -1.0 # If 'DATA.PATCH_SIZE' selected has 3 channels, e.g. RGB images are expected, so will force grayscale images to be # converted into RGB (e.g. in ImageNet some of the images are grayscale) _C.DATA.FORCE_RGB = False # Train _C.DATA.TRAIN = CN() # Whether to check if the data mask contains correct values, e.g. same classes as defined _C.DATA.TRAIN.CHECK_DATA = True _C.DATA.TRAIN.IN_MEMORY = True _C.DATA.TRAIN.PATH = os.path.join("user_data", 'train', 'x') _C.DATA.TRAIN.GT_PATH = os.path.join("user_data", 'train', 'y') # File to load/save data prepared with the appropiate channels in a instance segmentation problem. # E.g. _C.PROBLEM.TYPE ='INSTANCE_SEG' and _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS != 'B' _C.DATA.TRAIN.INSTANCE_CHANNELS_DIR = os.path.join("user_data", 'train', 'x_'+_C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS) _C.DATA.TRAIN.INSTANCE_CHANNELS_MASK_DIR = os.path.join("user_data", 'train', 'y_'+_C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS) # Path to load/save detection masks prepared. _C.DATA.TRAIN.DETECTION_MASK_DIR = os.path.join("user_data", 'train', 'y_detection_masks') # Path to load/save SSL target prepared. _C.DATA.TRAIN.SSL_SOURCE_DIR = os.path.join("user_data", 'train', 'x_ssl_source') # Extra train data generation: number of times to duplicate the train data. Useful when # _C.DATA.EXTRACT_RANDOM_PATCH=True is made, as more original train data can be cover on each epoch _C.DATA.TRAIN.REPLICATE = 0 # Percentage of overlap in (y,x)/(z,y,x) when cropping validation. Set to 0 to calculate the minimun overlap. # The values must be floats between range [0, 1). It needs to be a 2D tuple when using _C.PROBLEM.NDIM='2D' and # 3D tuple when using _C.PROBLEM.NDIM='3D' _C.DATA.TRAIN.OVERLAP = (0,0) # Padding to be done in (y,x)/(z,y,x) when reconstructing train data. Useful to avoid patch 'border effect'. _C.DATA.TRAIN.PADDING = (0,0) # Train data resolution. It is not completely necessary but when configured it is taken into account when # performing some augmentations, e.g. cutout. If defined it need to be (y,x)/(z,y,x) and needs to be to be a 2D # tuple when using _C.PROBLEM.NDIM='2D' and 3D tuple when using _C.PROBLEM.NDIM='3D' _C.DATA.TRAIN.RESOLUTION = (-1,) # Minimum foreground percentage that each image loaded need to have to not discard it (only used when TRAIN.IN_MEMORY == True). # This option is only valid for SEMANTIC_SEG, INSTANCE_SEG and DETECTION. _C.DATA.TRAIN.MINIMUM_FOREGROUND_PER = -1. # Order of the axes of the image when using Zarr/H5 images to train _C.DATA.TRAIN.INPUT_IMG_AXES_ORDER = 'TZCYX' # Order of the axes of the mask when using Zarr/H5 images to train _C.DATA.TRAIN.INPUT_MASK_AXES_ORDER = 'TZCYX' # PREPROCESSING # Same preprocessing will be applied to all selected datasets _C.DATA.PREPROCESS = CN() # Apply preprocessing to training dataset _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.TRAIN = False # Apply preprocessing to validation dataset _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.VAL = False # Apply preprocessing to testing dataset _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.TEST = False # Resize datasets _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.RESIZE = CN() _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.RESIZE.ENABLE = False # Desired resize size. when using 3D data, size must be also in 3D (ex. (512,512,512)) _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.RESIZE.OUTPUT_SHAPE = (512,512) # interpolation order: {0: Nearest-neighbor, 1: Bi-linear (default), 2: Bi-quadratic, 3: Bi-cubic, 4: Bi-quartic, 5: Bi-quintic} _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.RESIZE.ORDER = 1 # Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according to the given mode: {‘constant’, ‘edge’, ‘symmetric’, ‘reflect’, ‘wrap’} _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.RESIZE.MODE = 'reflect' # Used in conjunction with mode ‘constant’, the value outside the image boundaries. _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.RESIZE.CVAL = 0. # Whether to clip the output to the range of values of the input image. _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.RESIZE.CLIP = True # Whether to keep the original range of values. _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.RESIZE.PRESERVE_RANGE = True # Whether to apply a Gaussian filter to smooth the image prior to downsampling. _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.RESIZE.ANTI_ALIASING = False # Gaussian blur _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.GAUSSIAN_BLUR = CN() _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.GAUSSIAN_BLUR.ENABLE = False # Standard deviation for Gaussian kernel. _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.GAUSSIAN_BLUR.SIGMA = 1 # The mode parameter determines how the array borders are handled: {‘reflect’, ‘constant’, ‘nearest’, ‘mirror’, ‘wrap’} ‘constant’ value = 0 _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.GAUSSIAN_BLUR.MODE = 'nearest' # If None, the image is assumed to be a grayscale (single channel) image. # Otherwise, this parameter indicates which axis of the array corresponds to channels. _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.GAUSSIAN_BLUR.CHANNEL_AXIS = None # Median blur _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.MEDIAN_BLUR = CN() _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.MEDIAN_BLUR.ENABLE = False # Histogram matching. More info at: _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.MATCH_HISTOGRAM = CN() _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.MATCH_HISTOGRAM.ENABLE = False # the path of the reference images, from which the reference histogram will be extracted _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.MATCH_HISTOGRAM.REFERENCE_PATH = os.path.join("user_data", 'test', 'x') # Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization. More info at: _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.CLAHE = CN() _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.CLAHE.ENABLE = False # Defines the shape of contextual regions used in the algorithm. # By default, kernel_size is 1/8 of image height by 1/8 of its width. _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.CLAHE.KERNEL_SIZE = None # Clipping limit, normalized between 0 and 1 (higher values give more contrast). _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.CLAHE.CLIP_LIMIT = 0.01 # Canny or edge detection (only 2D - grayscale or RGB) _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.CANNY = CN() _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.CANNY.ENABLE = False # Lower bound for hysteresis thresholding (linking edges). If None, low_threshold is set to 10% of dtype’s max. _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.CANNY.LOW_THRESHOLD = None # Upper bound for hysteresis thresholding (linking edges). If None, high_threshold is set to 20% of dtype’s max. _C.DATA.PREPROCESS.CANNY.HIGH_THRESHOLD = None # Test _C.DATA.TEST = CN() # Whether to check if the data mask contains correct values, e.g. same classes as defined _C.DATA.TEST.CHECK_DATA = True _C.DATA.TEST.IN_MEMORY = False # Whether to load ground truth (GT) _C.DATA.TEST.LOAD_GT = False # Whether to use validation data as test instead of trying to load test from _C.DATA.TEST.PATH and # _C.DATA.TEST.GT_PATH. _C.DATA.VAL.CROSS_VAL needs to be True. _C.DATA.TEST.USE_VAL_AS_TEST = False # Path to load the test data from. Not used when _C.DATA.TEST.USE_VAL_AS_TEST == True _C.DATA.TEST.PATH = os.path.join("user_data", 'test', 'x') # Path to load the test data masks from. Not used when _C.DATA.TEST.USE_VAL_AS_TEST == True _C.DATA.TEST.GT_PATH = os.path.join("user_data", 'test', 'y') # File to load/save data prepared with the appropiate channels in a instance segmentation problem. # E.g. _C.PROBLEM.TYPE ='INSTANCE_SEG' and _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS != 'B' _C.DATA.TEST.INSTANCE_CHANNELS_DIR = os.path.join("user_data", 'test', 'x_'+_C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS) _C.DATA.TEST.INSTANCE_CHANNELS_MASK_DIR = os.path.join("user_data", 'test', 'y_'+_C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS) # Path to load/save detection masks prepared. _C.DATA.TEST.DETECTION_MASK_DIR = os.path.join("user_data", 'test', 'y_detection_masks') # Path to load/save SSL target prepared. _C.DATA.TEST.SSL_SOURCE_DIR = os.path.join("user_data", 'test', 'x_ssl_source') # Percentage of overlap in (y,x)/(z,y,x) when cropping validation. Set to 0 to calculate the minimun overlap. # The values must be floats between range [0, 1). It needs to be a 2D tuple when using _C.PROBLEM.NDIM='2D' and # 3D tuple when using _C.PROBLEM.NDIM='3D' _C.DATA.TEST.OVERLAP = (0,0) # Padding to be done in (y,x)/(z,y,xz) when reconstructing test data. Useful to avoid patch 'border effect' _C.DATA.TEST.PADDING = (0,0) # Whether to use median values to fill padded pixels or zeros _C.DATA.TEST.MEDIAN_PADDING = False # Directory where binary masks to apply to resulting images should be. Used when _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.APPLY_MASK == True _C.DATA.TEST.BINARY_MASKS = os.path.join("user_data", 'test', 'bin_mask') # Test data resolution. Need to be provided in (z,y,x) order. Only applies when _C.PROBLEM.TYPE = 'DETECTION' now. _C.DATA.TEST.RESOLUTION = (-1,) # Whether to apply argmax to the predicted images _C.DATA.TEST.ARGMAX_TO_OUTPUT = True # Validation _C.DATA.VAL = CN() # Enabling distributed evaluation (recommended during training) _C.DATA.VAL.DIST_EVAL = True # Whether to create validation data from training set or read it from a directory _C.DATA.VAL.FROM_TRAIN = True # Use a cross validation strategy instead of just split the train data in two _C.DATA.VAL.CROSS_VAL = False # Number of folds. Used when _C.DATA.VAL.CROSS_VAL == True _C.DATA.VAL.CROSS_VAL_NFOLD = 5 # Number of the fold to choose as validation. Used when _C.DATA.VAL.CROSS_VAL == True _C.DATA.VAL.CROSS_VAL_FOLD = 1 # Percentage of the training data used as validation. Used when _C.DATA.VAL.FROM_TRAIN = True and _C.DATA.VAL.CROSS_VAL == False _C.DATA.VAL.SPLIT_TRAIN = 0.1 # Create the validation data with random images of the training data. Used when _C.DATA.VAL.FROM_TRAIN = True _C.DATA.VAL.RANDOM = True # Used when _C.DATA.VAL.FROM_TRAIN = False, as DATA.VAL.FROM_TRAIN = True always implies DATA.VAL.IN_MEMORY = True _C.DATA.VAL.IN_MEMORY = True # Path to the validation data. Used when _C.DATA.VAL.FROM_TRAIN = False _C.DATA.VAL.PATH = os.path.join("user_data", 'val', 'x') # Path to the validation data mask. Used when _C.DATA.VAL.FROM_TRAIN = False _C.DATA.VAL.GT_PATH = os.path.join("user_data", 'val', 'y') # File to load/save data prepared with the appropiate channels in a instance segmentation problem. # E.g. _C.PROBLEM.TYPE ='INSTANCE_SEG' and _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS != 'B' _C.DATA.VAL.INSTANCE_CHANNELS_DIR = os.path.join("user_data", 'val', 'x_'+_C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS) _C.DATA.VAL.INSTANCE_CHANNELS_MASK_DIR = os.path.join("user_data", 'val', 'y_'+_C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS) # Path to load/save detection masks prepared. _C.DATA.VAL.DETECTION_MASK_DIR = os.path.join("user_data", 'val', 'y_detection_masks') # Path to load/save SSL target prepared. _C.DATA.VAL.SSL_SOURCE_DIR = os.path.join("user_data", 'val', 'x_ssl_source') # Percentage of overlap in (y,x)/(z,y,x) when cropping validation. Set to 0 to calculate the minimun overlap. # The values must be floats between range [0, 1). It needs to be a 2D tuple when using _C.PROBLEM.NDIM='2D' and # 3D tuple when using _C.PROBLEM.NDIM='3D'. This is only used when the validation is loaded from disk, and thus, # not extracted from training. _C.DATA.VAL.OVERLAP = (0,0) # Padding to be done in (y,x)/(z,y,x) when cropping validation data. Useful to avoid patch 'border effect'. This # is only used when the validation is loaded from disk, and thus, not extracted from training. _C.DATA.VAL.PADDING = (0,0) # Directory where validation binary masks should be located. This binary mask will be applied only when MW_TH* # optimized values are find, that is, when _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_MW_OPTIMIZE_THS = True and _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.APPLY_MASK = True _C.DATA.VAL.BINARY_MASKS = os.path.join("user_data", 'val', 'bin_mask') # Not used yet. _C.DATA.VAL.RESOLUTION = (-1,) # Order of the axes of the image when using Zarr/H5 images to train _C.DATA.VAL.INPUT_IMG_AXES_ORDER = 'TZCYX' # Order of the axes of the mask when using Zarr/H5 images to train. # detection the mask _C.DATA.VAL.INPUT_MASK_AXES_ORDER = 'TZCYX' #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Data augmentation (DA) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _C.AUGMENTOR = CN() # Flag to activate DA _C.AUGMENTOR.ENABLE = False # Probability of each transformation _C.AUGMENTOR.DA_PROB = 0.5 # Create samples of the DA made. Useful to check the output images made. _C.AUGMENTOR.AUG_SAMPLES = True # Draw a grid in the augenation samples generated. Used when _C.AUGMENTOR.AUG_SAMPLES=True _C.AUGMENTOR.DRAW_GRID = True # Number of samples to create _C.AUGMENTOR.AUG_NUM_SAMPLES = 10 # Flag to shuffle the training data on every epoch _C.AUGMENTOR.SHUFFLE_TRAIN_DATA_EACH_EPOCH = True # Flag to shuffle the validation data on every epoch _C.AUGMENTOR.SHUFFLE_VAL_DATA_EACH_EPOCH = False # Rotation of 90º to the subvolumes _C.AUGMENTOR.ROT90 = False # Random rotation between a defined range _C.AUGMENTOR.RANDOM_ROT = False # Range of random rotations _C.AUGMENTOR.RANDOM_ROT_RANGE = (-180, 180) # Apply shear to images _C.AUGMENTOR.SHEAR = False # Shear range. Expected value range is around [-360, 360], with reasonable values being in the range of [-45, 45]. _C.AUGMENTOR.SHEAR_RANGE = (-20, 20) # Apply zoom to images _C.AUGMENTOR.ZOOM = False # Zoom range. Scaling factor to use, where 1.0 denotes “no change” and 0.5 is zoomed out to 50 percent of the original size. _C.AUGMENTOR.ZOOM_RANGE = (0.8, 1.2) # Apply shift _C.AUGMENTOR.SHIFT = False # Shift range. Translation as a fraction of the image height/width (x-translation, y-translation), where 0 denotes # “no change” and 0.5 denotes “half of the axis size”. _C.AUGMENTOR.SHIFT_RANGE = (0.1, 0.2) # How to fill up the new values created with affine transformations (rotations, shear, shift and zoom). # Same meaning as in scipy: 'reflect', grid-'mirror', 'constant', 'grid-constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', # 'grid-wrap' and 'wrap'. _C.AUGMENTOR.AFFINE_MODE = 'constant' # Make vertical flips _C.AUGMENTOR.VFLIP = False # Make horizontal flips _C.AUGMENTOR.HFLIP = False # Make z-axis flips _C.AUGMENTOR.ZFLIP = False # Elastic transformations _C.AUGMENTOR.ELASTIC = False # Strength of the distortion field. Higher values mean that pixels are moved further with respect to the distortion # field’s direction. Set this to around 10 times the value of sigma for visible effects. _C.AUGMENTOR.E_ALPHA = (12, 16) # Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel used to smooth the distortion fields. Higher values (for 128x128 images # around 5.0) lead to more water-like effects, while lower values (for 128x128 images around 1.0 and lower) lead to # more noisy, pixelated images. Set this to around 1/10th of alpha for visible effects. _C.AUGMENTOR.E_SIGMA = 4 # Parameter that defines the handling of newly created pixels with the elastic transformation _C.AUGMENTOR.E_MODE = 'constant' # Gaussian blur _C.AUGMENTOR.G_BLUR = False # Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel. Values in the range 0.0 (no blur) to 3.0 (strong blur) are common. _C.AUGMENTOR.G_SIGMA = (1.0, 2.0) # To blur an image by computing median values over neighbourhoods _C.AUGMENTOR.MEDIAN_BLUR = False # Median blur kernel size _C.AUGMENTOR.MB_KERNEL = (3, 7) # Blur images in a way that fakes camera or object movements _C.AUGMENTOR.MOTION_BLUR = False # Kernel size to use in motion blur _C.AUGMENTOR.MOTB_K_RANGE = (8, 12) # Gamma contrast _C.AUGMENTOR.GAMMA_CONTRAST = False # Exponent for the contrast adjustment. Higher values darken the image _C.AUGMENTOR.GC_GAMMA = (1.25, 1.75) # To apply brightness changes to images _C.AUGMENTOR.BRIGHTNESS = False # Strength of the brightness range. _C.AUGMENTOR.BRIGHTNESS_FACTOR = (-0.1, 0.1) # If apply same contrast to the entire image or select one for each slice. For 2D does not matter but yes for # 3D images. Possible values: '2D' or '3D'. Used when '_C.PROBLEM.NDIM' = '3D'. _C.AUGMENTOR.BRIGHTNESS_MODE = '3D' # To apply contrast changes to images _C.AUGMENTOR.CONTRAST = False # Strength of the contrast change range. _C.AUGMENTOR.CONTRAST_FACTOR = (-0.1, 0.1) # If apply same contrast to the entire image or select one for each slice. For 2D does not matter but yes for # 3D images. Possible values: '2D' or '3D'. Used when '_C.PROBLEM.NDIM' = '3D'. _C.AUGMENTOR.CONTRAST_MODE = '3D' # To apply brightness changes to images based on Pytorch Connectomics library. _C.AUGMENTOR.BRIGHTNESS_EM = False # Strength of the brightness range _C.AUGMENTOR.BRIGHTNESS_EM_FACTOR = (-0.1, 0.1) # If apply same contrast to the entire image or select one for each slice. For 2D does not matter but yes for # 3D images. Possible values: '2D' or '3D'. Used when '_C.PROBLEM.NDIM' = '3D'. _C.AUGMENTOR.BRIGHTNESS_EM_MODE = '3D' # To apply contrast changes to images based on Pytorch Connectomics library. _C.AUGMENTOR.CONTRAST_EM = False # Strength of the contrast change range, with valid values being 0 <= contrast_em_factor <= 1 _C.AUGMENTOR.CONTRAST_EM_FACTOR = (-0.1, 0.1) # If apply same contrast to the entire image or select one for each slice. For 2D does not matter but yes for # 3D images. Possible values: '2D' or '3D'. Used when '_C.PROBLEM.NDIM' = '3D'. _C.AUGMENTOR.CONTRAST_EM_MODE = '3D' # Set a certain fraction of pixels in images to zero (not get confused with the dropout concept of neural networks) _C.AUGMENTOR.DROPOUT = False # Range to take the probability to drop a pixel _C.AUGMENTOR.DROP_RANGE = (0, 0.2) # To fill one or more rectangular areas in an image using a fill mode _C.AUGMENTOR.CUTOUT = False # Range of number of areas to fill the image with. Reasonable values between range [0,4] _C.AUGMENTOR.COUT_NB_ITERATIONS = (1, 3) # Size of the areas in % of the corresponding image size _C.AUGMENTOR.COUT_SIZE = (0.05, 0.3) # Value to fill the area of cutout _C.AUGMENTOR.COUT_CVAL = 0. # Apply cutout to the segmentation mask _C.AUGMENTOR.COUT_APPLY_TO_MASK = False # To apply cutblur operation _C.AUGMENTOR.CUTBLUR = False # Size of the region to apply cutblur _C.AUGMENTOR.CBLUR_SIZE = (0.2, 0.4) # Range of the downsampling to be made in cutblur _C.AUGMENTOR.CBLUR_DOWN_RANGE = (2, 8) # Whether to apply cut-and-paste just LR into HR image. If False, HR to LR will be applied also (see Figure 1 # of the paper _C.AUGMENTOR.CBLUR_INSIDE = True # Apply cutmix operation _C.AUGMENTOR.CUTMIX = False # Size of the region to apply cutmix _C.AUGMENTOR.CMIX_SIZE = (0.2, 0.4) # Apply noise to a region of the image _C.AUGMENTOR.CUTNOISE = False # Range to choose a value that will represent the % of the maximum value of the image that will be used as the std # of the Gaussian Noise distribution _C.AUGMENTOR.CNOISE_SCALE = (0.05, 0.1) # Number of areas to fill with noise _C.AUGMENTOR.CNOISE_NB_ITERATIONS = (1, 3) # Size of the regions _C.AUGMENTOR.CNOISE_SIZE = (0.2, 0.4) # Add miss-aligment augmentation _C.AUGMENTOR.MISALIGNMENT = False # Maximum pixel displacement in 'xy'-plane for misalignment _C.AUGMENTOR.MS_DISPLACEMENT = 16 # Ratio of rotation-based mis-alignment _C.AUGMENTOR.MS_ROTATE_RATIO = 0.5 # Augment the image by creating a black line in a random position _C.AUGMENTOR.MISSING_SECTIONS = False # Iterations to dilate the missing line with _C.AUGMENTOR.MISSP_ITERATIONS = (10, 30) # Convert images in grasycale gradually based on '_C.AUGMENTOR.GRAY_RANGE' _C.AUGMENTOR.GRAYSCALE = False # Shuffle channels of the images _C.AUGMENTOR.CHANNEL_SHUFFLE = False # Apply gridmask to the image. Original paper: _C.AUGMENTOR.GRIDMASK = False # Determines the keep ratio of an input image _C.AUGMENTOR.GRID_RATIO = 0.6 # Range to choose a ``d`` value _C.AUGMENTOR.GRID_D_RANGE = (0.4, 1) # Rotation of the mask in GridMask. Needs to be between [0,1] where 1 is 360 degrees. _C.AUGMENTOR.GRID_ROTATE = 1. # Whether to invert the mask _C.AUGMENTOR.GRID_INVERT = False # Add Gaussian noise _C.AUGMENTOR.GAUSSIAN_NOISE = False _C.AUGMENTOR.GAUSSIAN_NOISE_MEAN = 0. _C.AUGMENTOR.GAUSSIAN_NOISE_VAR = 0.05 _C.AUGMENTOR.GAUSSIAN_NOISE_USE_INPUT_IMG_MEAN_AND_VAR = False # Add Poisson noise _C.AUGMENTOR.POISSON_NOISE = False # Add salt (replaces random pixels with 1) _C.AUGMENTOR.SALT = False _C.AUGMENTOR.SALT_AMOUNT = 0.05 # Add pepper (replaces random pixels with 0 (for unsigned images) or -1 (for signed images)) _C.AUGMENTOR.PEPPER = False _C.AUGMENTOR.PEPPER_AMOUNT = 0.05 # Whether to add Poisson noise _C.AUGMENTOR.SALT_AND_PEPPER = False _C.AUGMENTOR.SALT_AND_PEPPER_AMOUNT = 0.05 _C.AUGMENTOR.SALT_AND_PEPPER_PROP = 0.5 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Model definition #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _C.MODEL = CN() # Whether to define manually the model ('biapy'), load a pretrained one from Bioimage Model Zoo ('bmz') or use one # available in TorchVision ('torchvision'). # Options: ["biapy", "bmz", "torchvision"] _C.MODEL.SOURCE = "biapy" # # BMZ BACKEND MODELS AND OPTIONS # _C.MODEL.BMZ = CN() # DOI of the model from BMZ to load. It can not be empty if MODEL.SOURCE = "bmz". _C.MODEL.BMZ.SOURCE_MODEL_DOI = "" # BMZ model export options # # TOCHIVISION BACKEND MODELS AND OPTIONS # # BiaPy support using models of Torchvision . It can not be empty if MODEL.SOURCE = "torchvision". # Models available here: # They can be listed with: "from torchvision.models import list_models; list_models()" # # Semantic segmentation ( # 'deeplabv3_mobilenet_v3_large', 'deeplabv3_resnet101', 'deeplabv3_resnet50', 'fcn_resnet101', 'fcn_resnet50', # 'lraspp_mobilenet_v3_large' # # Object Detection ( # 'fasterrcnn_mobilenet_v3_large_320_fpn', 'fasterrcnn_mobilenet_v3_large_fpn', 'fasterrcnn_resnet50_fpn', # 'fasterrcnn_resnet50_fpn_v2', 'fcos_resnet50_fpn', 'ssd300_vgg16', 'ssdlite320_mobilenet_v3_large', # 'retinanet_resnet50_fpn', 'retinanet_resnet50_fpn_v2', # # Instance Segmentation ( # 'maskrcnn_resnet50_fpn', 'maskrcnn_resnet50_fpn_v2' # # Image classification ( # 'alexnet', 'convnext_base', 'convnext_large', 'convnext_small', 'convnext_tiny', 'densenet121', 'densenet161', # 'densenet169', 'densenet201', 'efficientnet_b0', 'efficientnet_b1', 'efficientnet_b2', 'efficientnet_b3', # 'efficientnet_b4', 'efficientnet_b5', 'efficientnet_b6', 'efficientnet_b7', 'efficientnet_v2_l', 'efficientnet_v2_m', # 'efficientnet_v2_s', 'googlenet', 'inception_v3', 'maxvit_t', 'mnasnet0_5', 'mnasnet0_75', 'mnasnet1_0', 'mnasnet1_3', # 'mobilenet_v2', 'mobilenet_v3_large', 'mobilenet_v3_small', 'quantized_googlenet', 'quantized_inception_v3', # 'quantized_mobilenet_v2', 'quantized_mobilenet_v3_large', 'quantized_resnet18', 'quantized_resnet50', # 'quantized_resnext101_32x8d', 'quantized_resnext101_64x4d', 'quantized_shufflenet_v2_x0_5', 'quantized_shufflenet_v2_x1_0', # 'quantized_shufflenet_v2_x1_5', 'quantized_shufflenet_v2_x2_0', 'regnet_x_16gf', 'regnet_x_1_6gf', 'regnet_x_32gf', # 'regnet_x_3_2gf', 'regnet_x_400mf', 'regnet_x_800mf', 'regnet_x_8gf', 'regnet_y_128gf', 'regnet_y_16gf', 'regnet_y_1_6gf', # 'regnet_y_32gf', 'regnet_y_3_2gf', 'regnet_y_400mf', 'regnet_y_800mf', 'regnet_y_8gf', 'resnet101', 'resnet152', # 'resnet18', 'resnet34', 'resnet50', 'resnext101_32x8d', 'resnext101_64x4d', 'resnext50_32x4d', 'retinanet_resnet50_fpn', # 'shufflenet_v2_x0_5', 'shufflenet_v2_x1_0', 'shufflenet_v2_x1_5', 'shufflenet_v2_x2_0', # 'squeezenet1_0', 'squeezenet1_1', 'swin_b', 'swin_s', 'swin_t', 'swin_v2_b', 'swin_v2_s', 'swin_v2_t', # 'vgg11', 'vgg11_bn', 'vgg13', 'vgg13_bn', 'vgg16', 'vgg16_bn', 'vgg19', 'vgg19_bn', 'vit_b_16', 'vit_b_32', # 'vit_h_14', 'vit_l_16', 'vit_l_32', 'wide_resnet101_2', 'wide_resnet50_2' # # Listed but not supported: # # (NOT SUPPORTED) Video classification ( # 'mc3_18', 'mvit_v1_b', 'mvit_v2_s', 'r2plus1d_18', 'r3d_18','swin3d_s', 'swin3d_t', 's3d', 'swin3d_b' # # (NOT SUPPORTED) Optical flow ( # 'raft_large', 'raft_small' # # (NOT SUPPORTED) Person Keypoint Detection ( # 'keypointrcnn_resnet50_fpn' # _C.MODEL.TORCHVISION_MODEL_NAME = "" # # BIAPY BACKEND MODELS # # Architecture of the network. Possible values are: # * Semantic segmentation: 'unet', 'resunet', 'resunet++', 'attention_unet', 'multiresunet', 'seunet', 'unetr' # * Instance segmentation: 'unet', 'resunet', 'resunet++', 'attention_unet', 'multiresunet', 'seunet', 'unetr' # * Detection: 'unet', 'resunet', 'resunet++', 'attention_unet', 'multiresunet', 'seunet', 'unetr' # * Denoising: 'unet', 'resunet', 'resunet++', 'attention_unet', 'seunet' # * Super-resolution: 'edsr', 'rcan', 'dfcan', 'wdsr', 'unet', 'resunet', 'resunet++', 'seunet', 'attention_unet', 'multiresunet' # * Self-supervision: 'unet', 'resunet', 'resunet++', 'attention_unet', 'multiresunet', 'seunet', 'unetr', 'edsr', 'rcan', 'dfcan', 'wdsr', 'vit', 'mae' # * Classification: 'simple_cnn', 'vit', 'efficientnet_b[0-7]' (only 2D) _C.MODEL.ARCHITECTURE = 'unet' # Number of feature maps on each level of the network. _C.MODEL.FEATURE_MAPS = [16, 32, 64, 128, 256] # Values to make the dropout with. Set to 0 to prevent dropout. When using it with 'ViT' or 'unetr' # a list with just one number must be provided _C.MODEL.DROPOUT_VALUES = [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.] # To active batch normalization _C.MODEL.BATCH_NORMALIZATION = True # Kernel size _C.MODEL.KERNEL_SIZE = 3 # Upsampling layer to use in the model. Options: ["upsampling", "convtranspose"] _C.MODEL.UPSAMPLE_LAYER = "convtranspose" # Activation function to use along the model _C.MODEL.ACTIVATION = 'ELU' # Las activation to use. Options 'sigmoid', 'softmax' or 'linear' _C.MODEL.LAST_ACTIVATION = 'sigmoid' # Number of classes including the background class (that should be using 0 label) _C.MODEL.N_CLASSES = 2 # Downsampling to be made in Z. This value will be the third integer of the MaxPooling operation. When facing # anysotropic datasets set it to get better performance _C.MODEL.Z_DOWN = [0, 0, 0, 0] # Checkpoint: set to True to load previous training weigths (needed for inference or to make fine-tunning) _C.MODEL.LOAD_CHECKPOINT = False # When loading checkpoints whether if only model's weights are going to be loaded or optimizer, epochs and loss_scaler. _C.MODEL.LOAD_CHECKPOINT_ONLY_WEIGHTS = True # Decide which checkpoint to load from job's dir if PATHS.CHECKPOINT_FILE is ''. # Options: 'best_on_val' or 'last_on_train' _C.MODEL.LOAD_CHECKPOINT_EPOCH = 'best_on_val' # Epochs to save a checkpoint of the model apart from the ones saved with LOAD_CHECKPOINT_ONLY_WEIGHTS. Set it to -1 to # not do it. _C.MODEL.SAVE_CKPT_FREQ = -1 # TRANSFORMERS MODELS # Type of model. Options are "custom", "vit_base_patch16", "vit_large_patch16" and "vit_huge_patch16". On custom setting # the rest of the ViT parameters can be modified as other options will set them automatically. _C.MODEL.VIT_MODEL = "custom" # Size of the patches that are extracted from the input image. _C.MODEL.VIT_TOKEN_SIZE = 16 # Dimension of the embedding space _C.MODEL.VIT_EMBED_DIM = 768 # Number of transformer encoder layers _C.MODEL.VIT_NUM_LAYERS = 12 # Number of heads in the multi-head attention layer. _C.MODEL.VIT_NUM_HEADS = 12 # Size of the dense layers of the final classifier. This value will mutiply 'VIT_EMBED_DIM' _C.MODEL.VIT_MLP_RATIO = 4. # Normalization layer epsion _C.MODEL.VIT_NORM_EPS = 1e-6 # Dimension of the embedding space for the MAE decoder _C.MODEL.MAE_DEC_HIDDEN_SIZE = 512 # Number of transformer decoder layers _C.MODEL.MAE_DEC_NUM_LAYERS = 8 # Number of heads in the multi-head attention layer. _C.MODEL.MAE_DEC_NUM_HEADS = 16 # Size of the dense layers of the final classifier _C.MODEL.MAE_DEC_MLP_DIMS = 2048 # Type of the masking strategy. Options: ["grid", "random"] _C.MODEL.MAE_MASK_TYPE = "grid" # Percentage of the input image to mask (applied only when MODEL.MAE_MASK_TYPE == "random"). Value between 0 and 1. _C.MODEL.MAE_MASK_RATIO = 0.5 # UNETR # Multiple of the transformer encoder layers from of which the skip connection signal is going to be extracted _C.MODEL.UNETR_VIT_HIDD_MULT = 3 # Number of filters in the first UNETR's layer of the decoder. In each layer the previous number of filters is doubled. _C.MODEL.UNETR_VIT_NUM_FILTERS = 16 # Decoder activation _C.MODEL.UNETR_DEC_ACTIVATION = 'relu' # Decoder convolutions' kernel size _C.MODEL.UNETR_DEC_KERNEL_SIZE = 3 # Specific for SR models based on U-Net architectures. Options are ["pre", "post"] _C.MODEL.UNET_SR_UPSAMPLE_POSITION = "pre" #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loss #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _C.LOSS = CN() # Loss type, two options: "CE" -> cross entropy ; "W_CE_DICE", CE and Dice (with a weight term on each one # (that must sum 1) to calculate the total loss value. _C.LOSS.TYPE = 'CE' #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Training phase #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _C.TRAIN = CN() _C.TRAIN.ENABLE = False # Enable verbosity _C.TRAIN.VERBOSE = False # Optimizer to use. Possible values: "SGD", "ADAM" or "ADAMW" _C.TRAIN.OPTIMIZER = 'SGD' # Learning rate _C.TRAIN.LR = 1.E-4 # Weight decay _C.TRAIN.W_DECAY = 0.02 # Coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient and its square. Used in ADAM and ADAMW optmizers _C.TRAIN.OPT_BETAS = (0.9, 0.999) # Batch size _C.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE = 2 # If memory or # gpus is limited, use this variable to maintain the effective batch size, which is # batch_size (per gpu) * nodes * (gpus per node) * accum_iter. _C.TRAIN.ACCUM_ITER = 1 # Number of epochs to train the model _C.TRAIN.EPOCHS = 360 # Epochs to wait with no validation data improvement until the training is stopped _C.TRAIN.PATIENCE = -1 # LR Scheduler _C.TRAIN.LR_SCHEDULER = CN() _C.TRAIN.LR_SCHEDULER.NAME = '' # Possible options: 'warmupcosine', 'reduceonplateau', 'onecycle' # Lower bound on the learning rate used in 'warmupcosine' and 'reduceonplateau' _C.TRAIN.LR_SCHEDULER.MIN_LR = -1. # Factor by which the learning rate will be reduced _C.TRAIN.LR_SCHEDULER.REDUCEONPLATEAU_FACTOR = 0.5 # Number of epochs with no improvement after which learning rate will be reduced. Need to be less than 'TRAIN.PATIENCE' # otherwise it makes no sense _C.TRAIN.LR_SCHEDULER.REDUCEONPLATEAU_PATIENCE = -1 # Cosine decay with a warm up consist in 2 phases: 1) a warm up phase which consists of increasing # the learning rate from TRAIN.LR_SCHEDULER.MIN_LR to TRAIN.LR value by a factor # during a certain number of epochs defined by 'TRAIN.LR_SCHEDULER.WARMUP_COSINE_DECAY_EPOCHS' # 2) after this will began the decay of the learning rate value using the cosine function. # Find a detailed explanation in: # # Epochs to do the warming up. _C.TRAIN.LR_SCHEDULER.WARMUP_COSINE_DECAY_EPOCHS = -1 # Callbacks # To determine which value monitor to consider which epoch consider the best to save. Currently not used. _C.TRAIN.CHECKPOINT_MONITOR = 'val_loss' # Add profiler callback to the training # _C.TRAIN.PROFILER = False # # Batch range to be analyzed # _C.TRAIN.PROFILER_BATCH_RANGE='10, 100' # _C.TRAIN.MAE_CALLBACK_EPOCHS = 5 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Inference phase #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _C.TEST = CN() _C.TEST.ENABLE = False # Tries to reduce the memory footprint by separating crop/merge operations and by changing dtype of the predictions. # It is slower and not as precise as the "normal" inference process but saves memory. In 'TEST.BY_CHUNKS' it will # only save memory with the datatype change. _C.TEST.REDUCE_MEMORY = False # In the processing of 3D images, the primary image is segmented into smaller patches. These patches are subsequently # passed through a computational network. The outcome is a new image, typically saved as a TIF file, that retains the # dimensions of the original input. Notably, if the input image is sizable, this process can be memory-intensive. This # is because the quantity of patches is contingent on both the dimensions of the input and the selected padding/overlap # parameters (defined as 'DATA.TEST.PADDING' and 'DATA.TEST.OVERLAP'). # To alleviate potential memory constraints, we offer an alternative: producing an H5/Zarr file with the predicted patches. # This method ensures efficient memory usage, as patches are individually incorporated into the H5/Zarr file in their respective # positions. This negates the need to store all patches simultaneously for image reconstruction. Importantly, in this # approach, only the 'DATA.TEST.PADDING' parameter is considered, excluding 'DATA.TEST.OVERLAP', which sufficiently # addresses border effect issues. If the source image is also an H5/Zarr file, it will be processed incrementally, further # optimizing memory usage. _C.TEST.BY_CHUNKS = CN() _C.TEST.BY_CHUNKS.ENABLE = False # Type of format used to write data. Options available: ["H5", "Zarr"] _C.TEST.BY_CHUNKS.FORMAT = 'H5' # In the process of 'TEST.BY_CHUNKS' you can enable this variable to save the reconstructed prediction as a TIF too. # Be aware of this option and be sure that the prediction can fit in you memory entirely, as it is needed for saving as TIF. _C.TEST.BY_CHUNKS.SAVE_OUT_TIF = False # In how many iterations the H5 writer needs to flush the data. No need to do so with Zarr files. _C.TEST.BY_CHUNKS.FLUSH_EACH = 100 # Input Numpy/Zarr/H5 image's axes order. Options: ['TZCYX', 'TZYXC', 'ZCYX', 'ZYXC'] _C.TEST.BY_CHUNKS.INPUT_IMG_AXES_ORDER = 'TZCYX' # Whether if after reconstructing the prediction the pipeline will continue each workflow specific steps. For this process # the prediction image needs to be loaded into memory so be sure that it can fit in you memory. E.g. in instance # segmentation the instances will be created from the prediction. _C.TEST.BY_CHUNKS.WORKFLOW_PROCESS = CN() _C.TEST.BY_CHUNKS.WORKFLOW_PROCESS.ENABLE = True # How the workflow process is going to be done. There are two options: # * 'chunk_by_chunk' : each chunk will be considered as an individual file. Select this operation if you have not enough # memory to process the entire prediction image with 'entire_pred'. # * 'entire_pred': the predicted image will be loaded in memory and processed entirely (be aware of your memory budget) _C.TEST.BY_CHUNKS.WORKFLOW_PROCESS.TYPE = "chunk_by_chunk" # Enable verbosity _C.TEST.VERBOSE = True # Make test-time augmentation. Infer over 8 possible rotations for 2D img and 16 when 3D _C.TEST.AUGMENTATION = False # Whether to evaluate or not _C.TEST.EVALUATE = True # Stack 2D images into a 3D image and then process it entirely instead of going image per image _C.TEST.ANALIZE_2D_IMGS_AS_3D_STACK = False # Whether to reuse the existing ones (from file) or calculate predictions using the model _C.TEST.REUSE_PREDICTIONS = False # If PROBLEM.NDIM = '2D' this can be activated to process each image entirely instead of patch by patch. Only can be done # if the neural network is fully convolutional _C.TEST.FULL_IMG = False ### Instance segmentation # Whether to calculate matching statistics (average overlap, accuracy, recall, precision, etc.) _C.TEST.MATCHING_STATS = True # Theshold of overlap to consider a TP when calculating the metrics. If more than one value is provided # the process is repeated with each of the threshold values _C.TEST.MATCHING_STATS_THS = [0.3, 0.5, 0.75] # Decide in which thresholds to create a colored image of the TPs, FNs and FPs _C.TEST.MATCHING_STATS_THS_COLORED_IMG = [0.3] ### Detection # To decide which function is going to be used to create point from probabilities. Options: ['peak_local_max', 'blob_log'] # 'peak_local_max': # 'blob_log': _C.TEST.DET_POINT_CREATION_FUNCTION = 'peak_local_max' # The minimal allowed distance separating peaks. To find the maximum number of peaks, use min_distance=1. _C.TEST.DET_PEAK_LOCAL_MAX_MIN_DISTANCE = 1 # Minimun value to consider a point as a peak. Corresponds to 'threshold_abs' argument of the function # 'peak_local_max' of skimage.feature _C.TEST.DET_MIN_TH_TO_BE_PEAK = [0.2] # Corresponds to 'exclude_border' argument of 'peak_local_max' or 'blob_log' function of skimage. If True it will exclude # peaks from the border of the image to avoid partial detection. _C.TEST.DET_EXCLUDE_BORDER = False # Corresponds to 'min_sigma' argument of 'blob_log' function. It is the minimum standard deviation for Gaussian kernel. # Keep this low to detect smaller blobs. The standard deviations of the Gaussian filter are given for each axis as a # sequence, or as a single number, in which case it is equal for all axes. _C.TEST.DET_BLOB_LOG_MIN_SIGMA = 5 # Corresponds to 'max_sigma' argument of 'blob_log' function. It is the maximum standard deviation for Gaussian kernel. # Keep this high to detect larger blobs. The standard deviations of the Gaussian filter are given for each axis as a # sequence, or as a single number, in which case it is equal for all axes. _C.TEST.DET_BLOB_LOG_MAX_SIGMA = 10 # Corresponds to 'num_sigma' argument of 'blob_log' function. The number of intermediate values of standard deviations # to consider between min_sigma and max_sigma. _C.TEST.DET_BLOB_LOG_NUM_SIGMA = 2 # Maximum distance far away from a GT point to consider a point as a true positive _C.TEST.DET_TOLERANCE = [10] #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Post-processing #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # When PROBLEM.NDIM = '2D' only applies when _C.TEST.ANALIZE_2D_IMGS_AS_3D_STACK = True _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING = CN() _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.YZ_FILTERING = False _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.YZ_FILTERING_SIZE = 5 _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.Z_FILTERING = False _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.Z_FILTERING_SIZE = 5 # Apply a binary mask to remove possible segmentation outside it _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.APPLY_MASK = False # Whether to measure morphological features on each instances, i.e. 'circularity' (2D), 'elongation' (2D), 'npixels', 'area', 'diameter', # 'perimeter', 'sphericity' (3D) _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.MEASURE_PROPERTIES = CN() _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.MEASURE_PROPERTIES.ENABLE = False # Remove instances by the conditions based in each instance properties. The three variables, TEST.POST_PROCESSING.MEASURE_PROPERTIES.REMOVE_BY_PROPERTIES.PROPS, # TEST.POST_PROCESSING.MEASURE_PROPERTIES.REMOVE_BY_PROPERTIES.VALUES and TEST.POST_PROCESSING.MEASURE_PROPERTIES.REMOVE_BY_PROPERTIES.SIGN will compose a list # of conditions to remove the instances. They are list of list of conditions. For instance, the conditions can be like this: [['A'], ['B','C']]. Then, if the instance satisfies # the first list of conditions, only 'A' in this first case (from ['A'] list), or satisfy 'B' and 'C' (from ['B','C'] list) it will be # removed from the image. In each sublist all the conditions must be satisfied. Available properties are: ['circularity', 'elongation', # 'npixels', 'area', 'diameter', 'perimeter', 'sphericity']. When this post-processing step is selected two .csv files # will be created, one with the properties of each instance from the original image (will be placed in PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PER_IMAGE_INSTANCES # path), and another with only instances that remain once this post-processing has been applied (will be placed in # PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PER_IMAGE_POST_PROCESSING path). In those csv files two more information columns will appear: a list of conditions # that each instance has satisfy or not ('Satisfied', 'No satisfied' respectively), and a comment with two possible values, 'Removed' # and 'Correct', telling you if the instance has been removed or not, respectively. Some of the properties follow the formulas used in # MorphoLibJ library for Fiji # # Each property descrition: # * 'circularity' is defined as the ratio of area over the square of the perimeter, normalized such that the value for a disk equals # one: (4 * PI * area) / (perimeter^2). Only measurable for 2D images (use sphericity for 3D images). While values of circularity # range theoretically within the interval [0;1], the measurements errors of the perimeter may produce circularity values above 1 # (Lehmann et al., 201211 ; # # * 'elongation' is the inverse of the circularity. The values of elongation range from 1 for round particles and increase for # elongated particles. Calculated as: (perimeter^2)/(4 * PI * area) . Only measurable for 2D images. # # * 'npixels' corresponds to the sum of pixels that compose an instance. # # * 'area' correspond to the number of pixels taking into account the image resolution (we call it 'area' also even in a 3D # image for simplicity, but that will be the volume in that case). In the resulting statistics 'volume' will appear in that # case too. # # * 'diameter' calculated with the bounding box and by taking the maximum value of the box in x and y axes. In 3D, z axis # is also taken into account. Does not take into account the image resolution. # # * 'perimeter', in 2D, approximates the contour as a line through the centers of border pixels using a 4-connectivity. In 3D, # it is the surface area computed using Lewiner et al. algorithm ( # using marching_cubes ( and # mesh_surface_area( functions # of scikit-image. # # * 'sphericity', in 3D, it is the ratio of the squared volume over the cube of the surface area, normalized such that the value # for a ball equals one: (36 * PI)*((volume^2)/(perimeter^3)). Only measurable for 3D images (use circularity for 2D images). # # A full example of this post-processing: # If you want to remove those instances that have less than 100 pixels and circularity less equal to 0.7 you should # declare the above three variables as follows: # _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.MEASURE_PROPERTIES.REMOVE_BY_PROPERTIES.PROPS = [['npixels', 'circularity']] # _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.MEASURE_PROPERTIES.REMOVE_BY_PROPERTIES.VALUES = [[100, 0.7]] # _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.MEASURE_PROPERTIES.REMOVE_BY_PROPERTIES.SIGN = [['lt', 'le']] # You can also concatenate more restrictions and they will be applied in order. For instance, if you want to remove those # instances that are bigger than an specific area, and do that before the condition described above, you can define the # variables this way: # _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.MEASURE_PROPERTIES.REMOVE_BY_PROPERTIES.PROPS = [['area'], ['npixels', 'circularity']] # _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.MEASURE_PROPERTIES.REMOVE_BY_PROPERTIES.VALUES = [[500], [100, 0.7]] # _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.MEASURE_PROPERTIES.REMOVE_BY_PROPERTIES.SIGN = [['gt'], ['lt', 'le']] # This way, the instances will be removed by 'area' and then by 'npixels' and 'circularity' _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.MEASURE_PROPERTIES.REMOVE_BY_PROPERTIES = CN() # Whether to enable or not the filtering by properties _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.MEASURE_PROPERTIES.REMOVE_BY_PROPERTIES.ENABLE = False # List of lists of properties to apply a filter. Available properties are: ['circularity', 'elongation', 'npixels', 'area', 'diameter', # 'perimeter', 'sphericity'] _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.MEASURE_PROPERTIES.REMOVE_BY_PROPERTIES.PROPS = [] # List of ints/float that represent the values of the properties listed in TEST.POST_PROCESSING.MEASURE_PROPERTIES.REMOVE_BY_PROPERTIES # that the instances need to satisfy to not be dropped. _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.MEASURE_PROPERTIES.REMOVE_BY_PROPERTIES.VALUES = [] # List of list of signs to do the comparison. Options: ['gt', 'ge', 'lt', 'le'] that corresponds to "greather than", e.g. ">", # "greather equal", e.g. ">=", "less than", e.g. "<", and "less equal" e.g. "<=" comparisons. _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.MEASURE_PROPERTIES.REMOVE_BY_PROPERTIES.SIGN = [] ### Instance segmentation # Whether to apply Voronoi using 'BC' or 'M' channels need to be present _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.VORONOI_ON_MASK = False # Threshold to be applied to the 'M' channel when expanding the instances with Voronoi. Need to be in [0,1] range. # Leave it to 0 to adjust the threhold with Otsu _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.VORONOI_TH = 0. # Set it to try to repare large instances by merging their neighbors with them and removing possible central holes. # Its value determines which instances are going to be repared by size (number of pixels that compose the instance) # This option is useful when PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS is 'BP', as multiple central seeds may appear in big # instances. _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.REPARE_LARGE_BLOBS_SIZE = -1 # Clear objects connected to the label image border _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.CLEAR_BORDER = False ### Detection # To remove close points to each other. This can also be set when using 'BP' channels for instance segmentation. _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.REMOVE_CLOSE_POINTS = False # Distance between points to be considered the same. Only applies when TEST.POST_PROCESSING.REMOVE_CLOSE_POINTS = True # This can also be set when using 'BP' channels for instance segmentation. _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.REMOVE_CLOSE_POINTS_RADIUS = [-1.0] # Whether to apply a watershed to grow the points detected _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.DET_WATERSHED = False # Structure per each class to dilate the initial seeds before watershed _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.DET_WATERSHED_FIRST_DILATION = [[-1,-1],] # List of classes to be consider as 'donuts'. For those class points, the 'donuts' type cell means that their nucleus is # to big and that the seeds need to be dilated more so the watershed can grow the instances properly. _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.DET_WATERSHED_DONUTS_CLASSES = [-1] # Patch shape to extract all donuts type cells. It needs to be a bit greater than bigest donuts type cell so all of them can # be contained in this patch. This is used to analize that area for each point of class `DET_WATERSHED_DONUTS_CLASSES`. _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.DET_WATERSHED_DONUTS_PATCH = [13,120,120] # Diameter (in pixels) that a cell need to have to be considered as donuts type _C.TEST.POST_PROCESSING.DET_WATERSHED_DONUTS_NUCLEUS_DIAMETER = 30 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Auxiliary paths #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _C.PATHS = CN() # Directories to store the results _C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR = CN() _C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH = os.path.join(job_dir, 'results', job_identifier) _C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PER_IMAGE = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'per_image') _C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PER_IMAGE_BIN = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'per_image_binarized') _C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PER_IMAGE_INSTANCES = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'per_image_instances') _C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PER_IMAGE_POST_PROCESSING = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'per_image_post_processing') _C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.FULL_IMAGE = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'full_image') _C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.FULL_IMAGE_BIN = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'full_image_binarized') _C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.FULL_IMAGE_INSTANCES = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'full_image_instances') _C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.FULL_IMAGE_POST_PROCESSING = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'full_image_post_processing') _C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.AS_3D_STACK = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'as_3d_stack') _C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.AS_3D_STACK_POST_PROCESSING = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'as_3d_stack_post_processing') _C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.DET_LOCAL_MAX_COORDS_CHECK = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'per_image_local_max_check') _C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.DET_ASSOC_POINTS = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'point_associations') _C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.INST_ASSOC_POINTS = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'instance_associations') # Path to store profiler files _C.PATHS.PROFILER = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'profiler') # Name of the folder where the charts of the loss and metrics values while training the network are stored. # Additionally, MW_TH* variable charts are stored if _C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_MW_OPTIMIZE_THS = True _C.PATHS.CHARTS = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'charts') # Folder where samples of DA will be stored _C.PATHS.DA_SAMPLES = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'aug') # Folder where generator samples (X) will be stored _C.PATHS.GEN_CHECKS = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'gen_check') # Folder where generator samples (Y) will be stored _C.PATHS.GEN_MASK_CHECKS = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'gen_mask_check') # Paths where a few samples of instance channels created will be stored just to check id there is any problem _C.PATHS.TRAIN_INSTANCE_CHANNELS_CHECK = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'train_'+_C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS+'_instance_channels') _C.PATHS.VAL_INSTANCE_CHANNELS_CHECK = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'val_'+_C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS+'_instance_channels') _C.PATHS.TEST_INSTANCE_CHANNELS_CHECK = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'test_'+_C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS+'_instance_channels') # Name of the folder where weights files will be stored/loaded from. _C.PATHS.CHECKPOINT = os.path.join(job_dir, 'checkpoints') # Checkpoint file to load/store the model weights _C.PATHS.CHECKPOINT_FILE = '' # Name of the folder to store the probability map to avoid recalculating it on every run _C.PATHS.PROB_MAP_DIR = os.path.join(job_dir, 'prob_map') _C.PATHS.PROB_MAP_FILENAME = 'prob_map.npy' # Watershed debugging folder _C.PATHS.WATERSHED_DIR = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'watershed') # Custom mean normalization paths _C.PATHS.MEAN_INFO_FILE = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.CHECKPOINT, 'normalization_mean_value.npy') _C.PATHS.STD_INFO_FILE = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.CHECKPOINT, 'normalization_std_value.npy') # Percentile normalization paths _C.PATHS.LWR_X_FILE = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.CHECKPOINT, 'lower_bound_X_perc.npy') _C.PATHS.UPR_X_FILE = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.CHECKPOINT, 'upper_bound_X_perc.npy') _C.PATHS.LWR_Y_FILE = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.CHECKPOINT, 'lower_bound_Y_perc.npy') _C.PATHS.UPR_Y_FILE = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.CHECKPOINT, 'upper_bound_Y_perc.npy') # Path where the images used in MAE will be saved suring inference _C.PATHS.MAE_OUT_DIR = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'MAE_checks') #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Logging #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _C.LOG = CN() _C.LOG.LOG_DIR = os.path.join(job_dir, 'train_logs') _C.LOG.TENSORBOARD_LOG_DIR = os.path.join(_C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'tensorboard') _C.LOG.LOG_FILE_PREFIX = job_identifier _C.LOG.CHART_CREATION_FREQ = 5 self._C = _C
[docs] def get_cfg_defaults(self): """Get a yacs CfgNode object with default values for my_project.""" # Return a clone so that the defaults will not be altered # This is for the "local variable" use pattern return self._C.clone()
[docs] def update_dependencies(self): """Update some variables that depend of changes made after merge the .cfg file provide by the user. That is, this function should be called after YACS's merge_from_file(). """ # Remove possible / characters at the end of the paths self._C.DATA.TRAIN.PATH = self._C.DATA.TRAIN.PATH if self._C.DATA.TRAIN.PATH[-1] != '/' else self._C.DATA.TRAIN.PATH[:-1] self._C.DATA.TRAIN.GT_PATH = self._C.DATA.TRAIN.GT_PATH if self._C.DATA.TRAIN.GT_PATH[-1] != '/' else self._C.DATA.TRAIN.GT_PATH[:-1] self._C.DATA.VAL.PATH = self._C.DATA.VAL.PATH if self._C.DATA.VAL.PATH[-1] != '/' else self._C.DATA.VAL.PATH[:-1] self._C.DATA.VAL.GT_PATH = self._C.DATA.VAL.GT_PATH if self._C.DATA.VAL.GT_PATH[-1] != '/' else self._C.DATA.VAL.GT_PATH[:-1] self._C.DATA.TEST.PATH = self._C.DATA.TEST.PATH if self._C.DATA.TEST.PATH[-1] != '/' else self._C.DATA.TEST.PATH[:-1] self._C.DATA.TEST.GT_PATH = self._C.DATA.TEST.GT_PATH if self._C.DATA.TEST.GT_PATH[-1] != '/' else self._C.DATA.TEST.GT_PATH[:-1] self._C.DATA.TRAIN.INSTANCE_CHANNELS_DIR = self._C.DATA.TRAIN.PATH+'_'+self._C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS+'_'+self._C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CONTOUR_MODE self._C.DATA.TRAIN.INSTANCE_CHANNELS_MASK_DIR = self._C.DATA.TRAIN.GT_PATH+'_'+self._C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS+'_'+self._C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CONTOUR_MODE self._C.DATA.TRAIN.DETECTION_MASK_DIR = self._C.DATA.TRAIN.GT_PATH+'_detection_masks' self._C.DATA.TRAIN.SSL_SOURCE_DIR = self._C.DATA.TRAIN.PATH+'_ssl_source' self._C.DATA.VAL.INSTANCE_CHANNELS_DIR = self._C.DATA.VAL.PATH+'_'+self._C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS+'_'+self._C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CONTOUR_MODE self._C.DATA.VAL.INSTANCE_CHANNELS_MASK_DIR = self._C.DATA.VAL.GT_PATH+'_'+self._C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS+'_'+self._C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CONTOUR_MODE # If value is not the default if self._C.DATA.VAL.BINARY_MASKS == os.path.join("user_data", 'val', 'bin_mask'): self._C.DATA.VAL.BINARY_MASKS = os.path.join(self._C.DATA.VAL.PATH, '..', 'bin_mask') self._C.DATA.VAL.DETECTION_MASK_DIR = self._C.DATA.VAL.GT_PATH+'_detection_masks' self._C.DATA.VAL.SSL_SOURCE_DIR = self._C.DATA.VAL.PATH+'_ssl_source' self._C.DATA.TEST.INSTANCE_CHANNELS_DIR = self._C.DATA.TEST.PATH+'_'+self._C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS+'_'+self._C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CONTOUR_MODE self._C.DATA.TEST.INSTANCE_CHANNELS_MASK_DIR = self._C.DATA.TEST.GT_PATH+'_'+self._C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS+'_'+self._C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CONTOUR_MODE # If value is not the default if self._C.DATA.TEST.BINARY_MASKS == os.path.join("user_data", 'test', 'bin_mask'): self._C.DATA.TEST.BINARY_MASKS = os.path.join(self._C.DATA.TEST.PATH, '..', 'bin_mask') self._C.DATA.TEST.DETECTION_MASK_DIR = self._C.DATA.TEST.GT_PATH+'_detection_masks' self._C.DATA.TEST.SSL_SOURCE_DIR = self._C.DATA.TEST.PATH+'_ssl_source' self._C.PATHS.TEST_FULL_GT_H5 = os.path.join(self._C.DATA.TEST.GT_PATH, 'h5') self._C.PATHS.TRAIN_INSTANCE_CHANNELS_CHECK = os.path.join(self._C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'train_'+self._C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS+'_instance_channels') self._C.PATHS.VAL_INSTANCE_CHANNELS_CHECK = os.path.join(self._C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'val_'+self._C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS+'_instance_channels') self._C.PATHS.TEST_INSTANCE_CHANNELS_CHECK = os.path.join(self._C.PATHS.RESULT_DIR.PATH, 'test_'+self._C.PROBLEM.INSTANCE_SEG.DATA_CHANNELS+'_instance_channels')