FAQ & Troubleshooting

The Image.sc Forum is the main discussion channel for BiaPy, hence we recommend to use it for any question or curiosity related to it. Use a tag such as biapy so we can go through your questions. Try to find out if the issue you are having has already been discussed or solved by other people. If not, feel free to create a new topic (please provide a clear and concise description to understand and ideally reproduce the issue you’re having).


  • If double-clicking the BiaPy binary doesn’t initiate the program, attempt starting it via the terminal to display any potential errors. For Linux users encountering a glibc error (something like version `GLIBC_2.34' not found), particularly on Ubuntu 20.04, you can try the following:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install libc6

    If updating the glibc library to the necessary version (2.33) for starting the GUI is unsuccessful, you should consider upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04. This upgrade requires a limited number of commands, and there are numerous tutorials available on how to accomplish it. We recommend this tutorial.

Opening a terminal

To open a terminal on your operating system, you can follow these steps:

  • In Windows: Click Start, type PowerShell, and then click Windows PowerShell. Alternatively, if you followed the instructions to install git in BiaPy installation, you should have a terminal called Git Bash installed on your system. To open it, go to the Start menu and search for Git Bash. Click on the application to open it.

  • In macOS: You already have the Bash terminal installed on your system, so you can simply open it. If you have never used it before, you can find more information here.

  • In Linux: You already have the Bash terminal installed on your system, so you can simply open it. If you have never used it before, you can find more information here.

General usage

  • When using Docker or GUI on Windows, issues can arise with containers accessing network-mounted paths. If you encounter problems where certain paths are not detected, despite being accessible on your machine, consider using local paths instead.

Train questions

  • My training is too slow. What should I do?

    There are a few things you can do: 1) ensure TRAIN.EPOCHS and TRAIN.PATIENCE are set as you want ; 2) increase TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE ; 3) If you are not loading all the training data in memory, i.e. DATA.TRAIN.IN_MEMORY is False, try to setting it to speed up the training process.

    Furthermore, if you have more than one GPU you could do the training using a multi-GPU setting. For instance, to use GPU 0 and 1 you could call BiaPy like this:

    python -u -m torch.distributed.run \
            --nproc_per_node=2 \
            main.py \
            --config XXX \
            --result_dir XXX  \
            --name XXX    \
            --run_id XXX  \
            --gpu "0,1"

    nproc_per_node need to be equal to the number of GPUs you are using, 2 in this example.

  • I have no enough memory in my computer to set DATA.TRAIN.IN_MEMORY, so I’ve been using DATA.EXTRACT_RANDOM_PATCH. However, the training process is slow. Also, I need to ensure the entire training image is visited every epoch, not just a random patch extracted from it. What should I do?

    You can previously crop the data into patches of DATA.PATCH_SIZE you want to work with and disable DATA.EXTRACT_RANDOM_PATCH because all the images will have same shape. You can use crop_2D_dataset.py or crop_3D_dataset.py to crop the data.

  • My training get stuck in the first epoch without no error. What should I do?

    Probably the problem is the GPU memory. We experienced, in Windows, that even if the GPU memory gets saturated the operating system doesn’t report an out of memory error. Try to decrease the TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE to 1 (you can increase the value later progresively) and reduce the network parameters, e.g. by reducing MODEL.FEATURE_MAPS if you are using an U-Net like model. You can also reduce the number of levels, e.g. from [16, 32, 64, 128, 256] to [32, 64, 128].

  • There can be problems with parallel loads in Windows that throw an error as below. To solve that you can set SYSTEM.NUM_WORKERS to 0. In the GUI you can set it in “general options” window, under “advance options” in the field “Number of workers”.

    Expand error trace
    [12:46:39.363853] #####################
    [12:46:39.363884] #  TRAIN THE MODEL  #
    [12:46:39.363893] #####################
    [12:46:39.363905] Start training in epoch 1 - Total: 100
    [12:46:39.363935] ~~~ Epoch 1/100 ~~~
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/installations/miniconda3/envs/BiaPy_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 1133, in _try_get_data
        data = self._data_queue.get(timeout=timeout)
    File "/installations/miniconda3/envs/BiaPy_env/lib/python3.10/queue.py", line 180, in get
    File "/installations/miniconda3/envs/BiaPy_env/lib/python3.10/threading.py", line 324, in wait
        gotit = waiter.acquire(True, timeout)
    File "/installations/miniconda3/envs/BiaPy_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/signal_handling.py", line 66, in handler
    RuntimeError: DataLoader worker (pid 1285) is killed by signal: Killed.
    The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/installations/BiaPy/main.py", line 51, in <module>
    File "/installations/BiaPy/biapy/_biapy.py", line 400, in run_job
    File "/installations/BiaPy/biapy/_biapy.py", line 151, in train
    File "/installations/BiaPy/biapy/engine/base_workflow.py", line 508, in train
        train_stats = train_one_epoch(self.cfg, model=self.model, model_call_func=self.model_call_func, loss_function=self.loss,
    File "/installations/BiaPy/biapy/engine/train_engine.py", line 21, in train_one_epoch
        for step, (batch, targets) in enumerate(metric_logger.log_every(data_loader, print_freq, header)):
    File "/installations/BiaPy/biapy/utils/misc.py", line 413, in log_every
        for obj in iterable:
    File "/installations/miniconda3/envs/BiaPy_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 631, in __next__
        data = self._next_data()
    File "/installations/miniconda3/envs/BiaPy_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 1329, in _next_data
        idx, data = self._get_data()
    File "/installations/miniconda3/envs/BiaPy_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 1285, in _get_data
        success, data = self._try_get_data()
    File "/installations/miniconda3/envs/BiaPy_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/utils/data/dataloader.py", line 1146, in _try_get_data
        raise RuntimeError(f'DataLoader worker (pid(s) {pids_str}) exited unexpectedly') from e
    RuntimeError: DataLoader worker (pid(s) 1285) exited unexpectedly
    ERROR conda.cli.main_run:execute(124): `conda run python3 -u /installations/BiaPy/main.py --config /BiaPy_files/input.yaml --result_dir /C/Users/Pille/Desktop/training/BiaPy/U-Net_new --name u-net_test2_df --run_id 1 --dist_backend gloo --gpu 0` failed. (See above for error)

Test/Inference questions

  • Test image output is totally black or very bad. No sign of learning seems to be performed. What can I do?

    In order to determine if the model’s poor output is a result of incorrect training, it is crucial to first evaluate the training process. One way to do this is to examine the output of the training, specifically the loss and metric values. These values should be decreasing over time, which suggests that the model is learning and improving. Additionally, it is helpful to use the trained model to make predictions on the training data and compare the results to the actual output. This can provide further confirmation that the model has learned from the training data.

    Assuming that the training process appears to be correct, the next step is to investigate the test input image and compare it to the images used during training. The test image should be similar in terms of values and range to the images used during training. If there is a significant discrepancy between the test image and the training images in terms of values or range, it could be a contributing factor to the poor output of the model.

  • In the output a kind of grid or squares are appreciated. What can I do to improve the result?

    Sometimes the model’s prediction is worse in the borders of each patch than in the middle. To solve this you can use DATA.TEST.OVERLAP and DATA.TEST.PADDING variables. This last especially is designed to remove that border effect. E.g. if DATA.PATCH_SIZE selected is (256, 256, 1), try setting DATA.TEST.PADDING to (32, 32) to remove the jagged prediction effect when reconstructing the final test image.

  • I trained the model and predicted some test data. Now I want to predict more new images, what can I do?

    You can disable TRAIN.ENABLE and enable MODEL.LOAD_CHECKPOINT. Those variables will disable training phase and find and load the training checkpoint respectively. Ensure you use the same job name, i.e. --name option when calling BiaPy, so the library can find the checkpoint that was stored in the job’s folder.

  • The test images, and their labels if exist, are large and I have no enough memory to make the inference. What can I do?

    You can try setting TEST.REDUCE_MEMORY which will save as much memory as the library can at the price of slow down the inference process.

    Furthermore, we have an option to use TEST.BY_CHUNKS option, which will reconstruct each test image using Zarr/H5 files in order to avoid using a large amount of memory. Also, enablign this option Zarr/H5 files can be used as input, to reduce even more the amount of data loaded in memory, as only the patches being processed are loaded into memory one by one and not the entire image. If you have more that one GPU consider using multi-GPU setting to speed up the process.


    Be aware of enabling TEST.BY_CHUNKS.SAVE_OUT_TIF option as it will require to load the prediction entirely in order to save it.

Possible errors

  • In Linux an error like the following may arise:

    OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files

To sort it out increase the number of open files with the command ulimit -Sn 10000. You can check the limits typing ulimit -a. Add it to your ~/.bashrc file to ensure the change it’s permanent.

Graphical User interface (GUI)

In case you have troubles with GUI you can find instructions on how to use it in the following video (at 41min51s in the video):

BiaPy history and GUI demo


Once you donwload the Windows binary an error may arise when running it: Windows protected your PC. This message occurs if an application is unrecognized by Microsoft. In this situation you can click in More info button and Run anyway.


Once you donwload the Linux binary you need to grant execution permission to it by typing the following command in a terminal:

chmod +x BiaPy


macOS users might experience the following error when open the app for the first time:


To sort it, remove the quarantine attribute through terminal:

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine BiaPy.app


Through the graphical user interface the multi-GPU is not supported.