Source code for

from re import X
import numpy as np
import os
import math
from tqdm import tqdm
from import imread
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, StratifiedKFold
from PIL import Image

from biapy.utils.util import load_data_from_dir
from import normalize
from biapy.utils.misc import is_main_process

[docs]def load_and_prepare_2D_train_data(train_path, train_mask_path, cross_val=False, cross_val_nsplits=5, cross_val_fold=1, val_split=0.1, seed=0, shuffle_val=True, num_crops_per_dataset=0, random_crops_in_DA=False, crop_shape=None, y_upscaling=(1,1), ov=(0,0), padding=(0,0), minimum_foreground_perc=-1, reflect_to_complete_shape=False, convert_to_rgb=False, preprocess_cfg=None, is_y_mask=False, preprocess_f=None): """ Load train and validation images from the given paths to create 2D data. Parameters ---------- train_path : str Path to the training data. train_mask_path : str Path to the training data masks. cross_val : bool, optional Whether to use cross validation or not. cross_val_nsplits : int, optional Number of folds for the cross validation. cross_val_fold : int, optional Number of the fold to be used as validation. val_split : float, optional % of the train data used as validation (value between ``0`` and ``1``). seed : int, optional Seed value. shuffle_val : bool, optional Take random training examples to create validation data. num_crops_per_dataset : int, optional Number of crops per extra dataset to take into account. Useful to ensure that all the datasets have the same weight during network trainning. random_crops_in_DA : bool, optional To advice the method that not preparation of the data must be done, as random subvolumes will be created on DA, and the whole volume will be used for that. crop_shape : 3D int tuple, optional Shape of the crops. E.g. ``(y, x, channels)``. y_upscaling : 2 int tuple, optional Upscaling to be done when loading Y data. User for super-resolution workflow. ov : 2 floats tuple, optional Amount of minimum overlap on x and y dimensions. The values must be on range ``[0, 1)``, that is, ``0%`` or ``99%`` of overlap. E.g. ``(y, x)``. padding : tuple of ints, optional Size of padding to be added on each axis ``(y, x)``. E.g. ``(24, 24)`` minimum_foreground_perc : float, optional Minimum percetnage of foreground that a sample need to have no not be discarded. reflect_to_complete_shape : bool, optional Wheter to increase the shape of the dimension that have less size than selected patch size padding it with 'reflect'. convert_to_rgb : bool, optional In case RGB images are expected, e.g. if ``crop_shape`` channel is 3, those images that are grayscale are converted into RGB. preprocess_cfg : dict, optional Configuration parameters for preprocessing, is necessary in case you want to apply any preprocessing. is_y_mask : bool, optional Whether the data are masks. It is used to control the preprocessing of the data. preprocess_f : function, optional The preprocessing function, is necessary in case you want to apply any preprocessing. Returns ------- X_train : 4D Numpy array Train images. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. Y_train : 4D Numpy array Train images' mask. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. X_val : 4D Numpy array, optional Validation images (``val_split > 0``). E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. Y_val : 4D Numpy array, optional Validation images' mask (``val_split > 0``). E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. filenames : List of str Loaded train filenames. test_index : List of ints Indexes of the samples beloging to the validation. Examples -------- :: # EXAMPLE 1 # Case where we need to load the data (creating a validation split) train_path = "data/train/x" train_mask_path = "data/train/y" # Original image shape is (1024, 768, 165), so each image shape should be this: img_train_shape = (1024, 768, 1) X_train, Y_train, X_val, Y_val, crops_made = load_and_prepare_2D_data(train_path, train_mask_path, img_train_shape, val_split=0.1, shuffle_val=True, make_crops=False) # The function will print the shapes of the generated arrays. In this example: # *** Loaded train data shape is: (148, 768, 1024, 1) # *** Loaded validation data shape is: (17, 768, 1024, 1) # # Notice height and width swap because of Numpy ndarray terminology # EXAMPLE 2 # Same as the first example but creating patches of (256x256) X_train, Y_train, X_val, Y_val, crops_made = load_and_prepare_2D_data(train_path, train_mask_path, img_train_shape, val_split=0.1, shuffle_val=True, make_crops=True, crop_shape=(256, 256, 1)) # The function will print the shapes of the generated arrays. In this example: # *** Loaded train data shape is: (1776, 256, 256, 1) # *** Loaded validation data shape is: (204, 256, 256, 1) """ print("### LOAD ###") # Disable crops when random_crops_in_DA is selected delay_crop = False if random_crops_in_DA: crop = False else: if cross_val: crop = False # Delay the crop to be made after cross validation delay_crop = True else: crop = True # Check validation if val_split > 0 or cross_val: create_val = True else: create_val = False print("0) Loading train images . . .") X_train, orig_train_shape, _, t_filenames = load_data_from_dir(train_path, crop=crop, crop_shape=crop_shape, overlap=ov, padding=padding, return_filenames=True, reflect_to_complete_shape=reflect_to_complete_shape, convert_to_rgb=convert_to_rgb, preprocess_cfg=preprocess_cfg, is_mask=False, preprocess_f=preprocess_f) if train_mask_path is not None: print("1) Loading train GT . . .") scrop = (crop_shape[0]*y_upscaling[0], crop_shape[1]*y_upscaling[1], crop_shape[2]) Y_train, _, _, _ = load_data_from_dir(train_mask_path, crop=crop, crop_shape=scrop, overlap=ov, padding=padding, return_filenames=True, check_channel=False, check_drange=False, reflect_to_complete_shape=reflect_to_complete_shape, preprocess_cfg=preprocess_cfg, is_mask=is_y_mask, preprocess_f=preprocess_f) # Check that the shape of all images match if isinstance(Y_train, list): for i in range(len(Y_train)): xshape = X_train[i].shape yshape = Y_train[i].shape real_x_shape = (xshape[0]*y_upscaling[0], xshape[1]*y_upscaling[1], xshape[2]) real_y_shape = (yshape[0]*y_upscaling[0], yshape[1]*y_upscaling[1], yshape[2]) print(real_x_shape,real_y_shape) if real_x_shape != real_y_shape: raise ValueError(f"There is a mismatch between input image and its corresponding ground truth ({real_x_shape} vs " f"{real_y_shape}). Please check the images. Specifically, the sample that doesn't match is the number {i}" f" (file: {t_filenames[i]})") else: Y_train = None # Discard images that do not surpass the foreground percentage threshold imposed if minimum_foreground_perc != -1 and Y_train is not None: print("Data that do not have {}% of foreground is discarded".format(minimum_foreground_perc)) X_train_keep = [] Y_train_keep = [] are_lists = True if type(Y_train) is list else False samples_discarded = 0 for i in tqdm(range(len(Y_train)), leave=False, disable=not is_main_process()): labels, npixels = np.unique((Y_train[i]>0).astype(np.uint8), return_counts=True) total_pixels = 1 for val in list(Y_train[i].shape): total_pixels *= val discard = False if len(labels) == 1: discard = True else: if (sum(npixels[1:]/total_pixels)) < minimum_foreground_perc: discard = True if discard: samples_discarded += 1 else: if are_lists: X_train_keep.append(X_train[i]) Y_train_keep.append(Y_train[i]) else: X_train_keep.append(np.expand_dims(X_train[i],0)) Y_train_keep.append(np.expand_dims(Y_train[i],0)) del X_train, Y_train if len(X_train_keep) == 0: raise ValueError("'TRAIN.MINIMUM_FOREGROUND_PER' value is too high, leading to the discarding of all training samples. Please, " "reduce its value.") if not are_lists: X_train_keep = np.concatenate(X_train_keep) Y_train_keep = np.concatenate(Y_train_keep) # Rename X_train, Y_train = X_train_keep, Y_train_keep del X_train_keep, Y_train_keep print("{} samples discarded!".format(samples_discarded)) if type(Y_train) is not list: print("*** Remaining data shape is {}".format(X_train.shape)) if X_train.shape[0] <= 1 and create_val: raise ValueError("0 or 1 sample left to train, which is insufficent. " "Please, decrease the percentage to be more permissive") else: print("*** Remaining data shape is {}".format((len(X_train),)+X_train[0].shape[1:])) if len(X_train) <= 1 and create_val: raise ValueError("0 or 1 sample left to train, which is insufficent. " "Please, decrease the percentage to be more permissive") if num_crops_per_dataset != 0: X_train = X_train[:num_crops_per_dataset] if Y_train is not None: Y_train = Y_train[:num_crops_per_dataset] if Y_train is not None and len(X_train) != len(Y_train): raise ValueError("Different number of raw and ground truth items ({} vs {}). " "Please check the data!".format(len(X_train), len(Y_train))) # Create validation data splitting the train if create_val: print("Creating validation data") Y_val = None if not cross_val: if Y_train is not None: X_train, X_val, Y_train, Y_val = train_test_split( X_train, Y_train, test_size=val_split, shuffle=shuffle_val, random_state=seed) else: X_train, X_val = train_test_split( X_train, test_size=val_split, shuffle=shuffle_val, random_state=seed) else: skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=cross_val_nsplits, shuffle=shuffle_val, random_state=seed) fold = 1 train_index, test_index = None, None y_len = len(Y_train) if Y_train is not None else len(X_train) for t_index, te_index in skf.split(np.zeros(len(X_train)), np.zeros(y_len)): if cross_val_fold == fold: if not isinstance(X_train, list): X_train, X_val = X_train[t_index], X_train[te_index] else: X_val = [] for val_idx in te_index: X_val.append(X_train[val_idx]) for val_idx in te_index: del X_val[val_idx] if Y_train is not None: if not isinstance(Y_train, list): Y_train, Y_val = Y_train[t_index], Y_train[te_index] else: Y_val = [] for val_idx in te_index: Y_val.append(Y_val[val_idx]) for val_idx in te_index: del Y_val[val_idx] train_index, test_index = t_index.copy(), te_index.copy() break fold+= 1 if len(test_index) > 5: print("Fold number {}. Printing the first 5 ids: {}".format(fold, test_index[:5])) else: print("Fold number {}. Indexes used in cross validation: {}".format(fold, test_index)) # Then crop after cross validation if delay_crop: # X_train data = [] for img_num in range(len(X_train)): if X_train[img_num].shape != crop_shape[:2]+(X_train[img_num].shape[-1],): img = crop_data_with_overlap( X_train[img_num][0] if isinstance(X_train, list) else np.expand_dims(X_train[img_num],0), crop_shape[:2]+(X_train[img_num].shape[-1],), overlap=ov, padding=padding, verbose=False) data.append(img) X_train = np.concatenate(data) del data # Y_train if Y_train is not None: data_mask = [] scrop = (crop_shape[0]*y_upscaling[0], crop_shape[1]*y_upscaling[1], crop_shape[2]) for img_num in range(len(Y_train)): if Y_train[img_num].shape != scrop[:2]+(Y_train[img_num].shape[-1],): img = crop_data_with_overlap( Y_train[img_num][0] if isinstance(Y_train, list) else np.expand_dims(Y_train[img_num],0), scrop[:2]+(Y_train[img_num].shape[-1],), overlap=ov, padding=padding, verbose=False) data_mask.append(img) Y_train = np.concatenate(data_mask) del data_mask # X_val data = [] for img_num in range(len(X_val)): if X_val[img_num].shape != crop_shape[:2]+(X_val[img_num].shape[-1],): img = crop_data_with_overlap( X_val[img_num][0] if isinstance(X_val, list) else np.expand_dims(X_val[img_num],0), crop_shape[:2]+(X_val[img_num].shape[-1],), overlap=ov, padding=padding, verbose=False) data.append(img) X_val = np.concatenate(data) del data # Y_val if Y_val is not None: data_mask = [] scrop = (crop_shape[0]*y_upscaling[0], crop_shape[1]*y_upscaling[1], crop_shape[2]) for img_num in range(len(Y_val)): if Y_val[img_num].shape != scrop[:2]+(Y_val[img_num].shape[-1],): img = crop_data_with_overlap( Y_val[img_num][0] if isinstance(Y_val, list) else np.expand_dims(Y_val[img_num],0), scrop[:2]+(Y_val[img_num].shape[-1],), overlap=ov, padding=padding, verbose=False) data_mask.append(img) Y_val = np.concatenate(data_mask) del data_mask # Check that the shape of all images match if Y_train is not None: if not isinstance(X_train, list): if Y_train.shape[0] != X_train.shape[0]: raise ValueError(f"Seems that input images do not correspond to their ground truth in shape ({X_train.shape[0]} samples vs " f"{Y_train.shape[0]} samples). Please check the images. If you are in super-resolution workflow maybe you did not " "configured properly 'PROBLEM.SUPER_RESOLUTION.UPSCALING' variable") else: if Y_train[0].shape[0] != X_train[0].shape[0]: raise ValueError(f"Seems that input images do not correspond to their ground truth in shape ({X_train[0].shape[0]} samples vs " f"{Y_train[0].shape[0]} samples). Please check the images. If you are in super-resolution workflow maybe you did not " "configured properly 'PROBLEM.SUPER_RESOLUTION.UPSCALING' variable") s = X_train.shape if not isinstance(X_train, list) else (len(X_train),)+X_train[0].shape[1:] if Y_train is not None: sm = Y_train.shape if not isinstance(Y_train, list) else (len(Y_train),)+Y_train[0].shape[1:] if create_val: sv = X_val.shape if not isinstance(X_val, list) else (len(X_val),)+X_val[0].shape[1:] if Y_val is not None: svm = Y_val.shape if not isinstance(Y_val, list) else (len(Y_val),)+Y_val[0].shape[1:] if not isinstance(X_train, list): print("Not all samples seem to have the same shape. Number of samples: {}".format(len(X_train))) print("*** Loaded train data shape is: {}".format(s)) if Y_train is not None: print("*** Loaded train GT shape is: {}".format(sm)) print("*** Loaded validation data shape is: {}".format(sv)) if Y_val is not None: print("*** Loaded validation GT shape is: {}".format(svm)) print("### END LOAD ###") if not cross_val: return X_train, Y_train, X_val, Y_val, t_filenames else: return X_train, Y_train, X_val, Y_val, t_filenames, test_index else: print("*** Loaded train data shape is: {}".format(s)) print("### END LOAD ###") return X_train, Y_train, t_filenames
[docs]def crop_data_with_overlap(data, crop_shape, data_mask=None, overlap=(0,0), padding=(0,0), verbose=True): """Crop data into small square pieces with overlap. The difference with :func:`~crop_data` is that this function allows you to create patches with overlap. The opposite function is :func:`~merge_data_with_overlap`. Parameters ---------- data : 4D Numpy array Data to crop. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. crop_shape : 3 int tuple Shape of the crops to create. E.g. ``(y, x, channels)``. data_mask : 4D Numpy array, optional Data mask to crop. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. overlap : Tuple of 2 floats, optional Amount of minimum overlap on x and y dimensions. The values must be on range ``[0, 1)``, that is, ``0%`` or ``99%`` of overlap. E. g. ``(y, x)``. padding : tuple of ints, optional Size of padding to be added on each axis ``(y, x)``. E.g. ``(24, 24)``. verbose : bool, optional To print information about the crop to be made. Returns ------- cropped_data : 4D Numpy array Cropped image data. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. cropped_data_mask : 4D Numpy array, optional Cropped image data masks. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. Examples -------- :: # EXAMPLE 1 # Divide in crops of (256, 256) a given data with the minimum overlap X_train = np.ones((165, 768, 1024, 1)) Y_train = np.ones((165, 768, 1024, 1)) X_train, Y_train = crop_data_with_overlap(X_train, (256, 256, 1), Y_train, (0, 0)) # Notice that as the shape of the data has exact division with the wnanted crops shape so no overlap will be # made. The function will print the following information: # Minimum overlap selected: (0, 0) # Real overlapping (%): (0.0, 0.0) # Real overlapping (pixels): (0.0, 0.0) # (3, 4) patches per (x,y) axis # **** New data shape is: (1980, 256, 256, 1) # EXAMPLE 2 # Same as example 1 but with 25% of overlap between crops X_train, Y_train = crop_data_with_overlap(X_train, (256, 256, 1), Y_train, (0.25, 0.25)) # The function will print the following information: # Minimum overlap selected: (0.25, 0.25) # Real overlapping (%): (0.33203125, 0.3984375) # Real overlapping (pixels): (85.0, 102.0) # (4, 6) patches per (x,y) axis # **** New data shape is: (3960, 256, 256, 1) # EXAMPLE 3 # Same as example 1 but with 50% of overlap between crops X_train, Y_train = crop_data_with_overlap(X_train, (256, 256, 1), Y_train, (0.5, 0.5)) # The function will print the shape of the created array. In this example: # Minimum overlap selected: (0.5, 0.5) # Real overlapping (%): (0.59765625, 0.5703125) # Real overlapping (pixels): (153.0, 146.0) # (6, 8) patches per (x,y) axis # **** New data shape is: (7920, 256, 256, 1) # EXAMPLE 4 # Same as example 2 but with 50% of overlap only in x axis X_train, Y_train = crop_data_with_overlap(X_train, (256, 256, 1), Y_train, (0.5, 0)) # The function will print the shape of the created array. In this example: # Minimum overlap selected: (0.5, 0) # Real overlapping (%): (0.59765625, 0.0) # Real overlapping (pixels): (153.0, 0.0) # (6, 4) patches per (x,y) axis # **** New data shape is: (3960, 256, 256, 1) """ if data.ndim != 4: raise ValueError("data expected to be 4 dimensional, given {}".format(data.shape)) if data_mask is not None: if data.ndim != 4: raise ValueError("data mask expected to be 4 dimensional, given {}".format(data_mask.shape)) if data.shape[:-1] != data_mask.shape[:-1]: raise ValueError("data and data_mask shapes mismatch: {} vs {}".format(data.shape[:-1], data_mask.shape[:-1])) for i,p in enumerate(padding): if p >= crop_shape[i]//2: raise ValueError("'Padding' can not be greater than the half of 'crop_shape'. Max value for this {} input shape is {}" .format(data.shape, [(crop_shape[0]//2)-1,(crop_shape[1]//2)-1])) if len(crop_shape) != 3: raise ValueError("crop_shape expected to be of length 3, given {}".format(crop_shape)) if crop_shape[0] > data.shape[1]: raise ValueError("'crop_shape[0]' {} greater than {} (you can reduce 'DATA.PATCH_SIZE' or use 'DATA.REFLECT_TO_COMPLETE_SHAPE')" .format(crop_shape[0], data.shape[1])) if crop_shape[1] > data.shape[2]: raise ValueError("'crop_shape[1]' {} greater than {} (you can reduce 'DATA.PATCH_SIZE' or use 'DATA.REFLECT_TO_COMPLETE_SHAPE')" .format(crop_shape[1], data.shape[2])) if (overlap[0] >= 1 or overlap[0] < 0) or (overlap[1] >= 1 or overlap[1] < 0): raise ValueError("'overlap' values must be floats between range [0, 1)") if verbose: print("### OV-CROP ###") print("Cropping {} images into {} with overlapping. . ."\ .format(data.shape, crop_shape)) print("Minimum overlap selected: {}".format(overlap)) print("Padding: {}".format(padding)) if (overlap[0] >= 1 or overlap[0] < 0) and (overlap[1] >= 1 or overlap[1] < 0): raise ValueError("'overlap' values must be floats between range [0, 1)") padded_data = np.pad(data,((0,0),(padding[1],padding[1]),(padding[0],padding[0]),(0,0)), 'reflect') if data_mask is not None: padded_data_mask = np.pad(data_mask,((0,0),(padding[1],padding[1]),(padding[0],padding[0]),(0,0)), 'reflect') # Calculate overlapping variables overlap_x = 1 if overlap[0] == 0 else 1-overlap[0] overlap_y = 1 if overlap[1] == 0 else 1-overlap[1] # Y step_y = int((crop_shape[0]-padding[0]*2)*overlap_y) crops_per_y = math.ceil(data.shape[1]/step_y) last_y = 0 if crops_per_y == 1 else (((crops_per_y-1)*step_y)+crop_shape[0])-padded_data.shape[1] ovy_per_block = last_y//(crops_per_y-1) if crops_per_y > 1 else 0 step_y -= ovy_per_block last_y -= ovy_per_block*(crops_per_y-1) # X step_x = int((crop_shape[1]-padding[1]*2)*overlap_x) crops_per_x = math.ceil(data.shape[2]/step_x) last_x = 0 if crops_per_x == 1 else (((crops_per_x-1)*step_x)+crop_shape[1])-padded_data.shape[2] ovx_per_block = last_x//(crops_per_x-1) if crops_per_x > 1 else 0 step_x -= ovx_per_block last_x -= ovx_per_block*(crops_per_x-1) # Real overlap calculation for printing real_ov_y = ovy_per_block/(crop_shape[0]-padding[0]*2) real_ov_x = ovx_per_block/(crop_shape[1]-padding[1]*2) if verbose: print("Real overlapping (%): {}".format(real_ov_x,real_ov_y)) print("Real overlapping (pixels): {}".format((crop_shape[1]-padding[1]*2)*real_ov_x, (crop_shape[0]-padding[0]*2)*real_ov_y)) print("{} patches per (x,y) axis".format(crops_per_x,crops_per_y)) total_vol = data.shape[0]*(crops_per_x)*(crops_per_y) cropped_data = np.zeros((total_vol,) + crop_shape, dtype=data.dtype) if data_mask is not None: cropped_data_mask = np.zeros((total_vol,)+crop_shape[:2]+(data_mask.shape[-1],), dtype=data_mask.dtype) c = 0 for z in range(data.shape[0]): for y in range(crops_per_y): for x in range(crops_per_x): d_y = 0 if (y*step_y+crop_shape[0]) < padded_data.shape[1] else last_y d_x = 0 if (x*step_x+crop_shape[1]) < padded_data.shape[2] else last_x cropped_data[c] = \ padded_data[z, y*step_y-d_y:y*step_y+crop_shape[0]-d_y, x*step_x-d_x:x*step_x+crop_shape[1]-d_x] if data_mask is not None: cropped_data_mask[c] = \ padded_data_mask[z, y*step_y-d_y:y*step_y+crop_shape[0]-d_y, x*step_x-d_x:x*step_x+crop_shape[1]-d_x] c += 1 if verbose: print("**** New data shape is: {}".format(cropped_data.shape)) print("### END OV-CROP ###") if data_mask is not None: return cropped_data, cropped_data_mask else: return cropped_data
[docs]def merge_data_with_overlap(data, original_shape, data_mask=None, overlap=(0,0), padding=(0,0), verbose=True, out_dir=None, prefix=""): """Merge data with an amount of overlap. The opposite function is :func:`~crop_data_with_overlap`. Parameters ---------- data : 4D Numpy array Data to merge. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. original_shape : 4D int tuple Shape of the original data. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)`` data_mask : 4D Numpy array, optional Data mask to merge. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. overlap : Tuple of 2 floats, optional Amount of minimum overlap on x and y dimensions. Should be the same as used in :func:`~crop_data_with_overlap`. The values must be on range ``[0, 1)``, that is, ``0%`` or ``99%`` of overlap. E. g. ``(y, x)``. padding : tuple of ints, optional Size of padding to be added on each axis ``(y, x)``. E.g. ``(24, 24)``. verbose : bool, optional To print information about the crop to be made. out_dir : str, optional If provided an image that represents the overlap made will be saved. The image will be colored as follows: green region when ``==2`` crops overlap, yellow when ``2 < x < 6`` and red when ``=<6`` or more crops are merged. prefix : str, optional Prefix to save overlap map with. Returns ------- merged_data : 4D Numpy array Merged image data. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. merged_data_mask : 4D Numpy array, optional Merged image data mask. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. Examples -------- :: # EXAMPLE 1 # Merge the data of example 1 of 'crop_data_with_overlap' function # 1) CROP X_train = np.ones((165, 768, 1024, 1)) Y_train = np.ones((165, 768, 1024, 1)) X_train, Y_train = crop_data_with_overlap(X_train, (256, 256, 1), Y_train, (0, 0)) # 2) MERGE X_train, Y_train = merge_data_with_overlap( X_train, (165, 768, 1024, 1), Y_train, (0, 0), out_dir='out_dir') # The function will print the following information: # Minimum overlap selected: (0, 0) # Real overlapping (%): (0.0, 0.0) # Real overlapping (pixels): (0.0, 0.0) # (3, 4) patches per (x,y) axis # **** New data shape is: (165, 768, 1024, 1) # EXAMPLE 2 # Merge the data of example 2 of 'crop_data_with_overlap' function X_train, Y_train = merge_data_with_overlap( X_train, (165, 768, 1024, 1), Y_train, (0.25, 0.25), out_dir='out_dir') # The function will print the following information: # Minimum overlap selected: (0.25, 0.25) # Real overlapping (%): (0.33203125, 0.3984375) # Real overlapping (pixels): (85.0, 102.0) # (3, 5) patches per (x,y) axis # **** New data shape is: (165, 768, 1024, 1) # EXAMPLE 3 # Merge the data of example 3 of 'crop_data_with_overlap' function X_train, Y_train = merge_data_with_overlap( X_train, (165, 768, 1024, 1), Y_train, (0.5, 0.5), out_dir='out_dir') # The function will print the shape of the created array. In this example: # Minimum overlap selected: (0.5, 0.5) # Real overlapping (%): (0.59765625, 0.5703125) # Real overlapping (pixels): (153.0, 146.0) # (6, 8) patches per (x,y) axis # **** New data shape is: (165, 768, 1024, 1) # EXAMPLE 4 # Merge the data of example 1 of 'crop_data_with_overlap' function X_train, Y_train = merge_data_with_overlap( X_train, (165, 768, 1024, 1), Y_train, (0.5, 0), out_dir='out_dir') # The function will print the shape of the created array. In this example: # Minimum overlap selected: (0.5, 0) # Real overlapping (%): (0.59765625, 0.0) # Real overlapping (pixels): (153.0, 0.0) # (6, 4) patches per (x,y) axis # **** New data shape is: (165, 768, 1024, 1) As example of different overlap maps are presented below. +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | .. figure:: ../../img/merged_ov_map_0.png | .. figure:: ../../img/merged_ov_map_0.25.png | | :width: 80% | :width: 80% | | :align: center | :align: center | | | | | Example 1 overlapping map | Example 2 overlapping map | +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | .. figure:: ../../img/merged_ov_map_0.5.png | .. figure:: ../../img/merged_ov_map_0.5inx.png| | :width: 80% | :width: 80% | | :align: center | :align: center | | | | | Example 3 overlapping map | Example 4 overlapping map | +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ """ if data_mask is not None: if data.shape[:-1] != data_mask.shape[:-1]: raise ValueError("data and data_mask shapes mismatch: {} vs {}".format(data.shape[:-1], data_mask.shape[:-1])) for i,p in enumerate(padding): if p >= data.shape[i+1]//2: raise ValueError("'Padding' can not be greater than the half of 'data' shape. Max value for this {} input shape is {}" .format(data.shape, [(data.shape[1]//2)-1,(data.shape[2]//2)-1])) if verbose: print("### MERGE-OV-CROP ###") print("Merging {} images into {} with overlapping . . .".format(data.shape, original_shape)) print("Minimum overlap selected: {}".format(overlap)) print("Padding: {}".format(padding)) if (overlap[0] >= 1 or overlap[0] < 0) and (overlap[1] >= 1 or overlap[1] < 0): raise ValueError("'overlap' values must be floats between range [0, 1)") padding = tuple(padding[i] for i in [1, 0]) # Remove the padding pad_input_shape = data.shape data = data[:, padding[0]:data.shape[1]-padding[0], padding[1]:data.shape[2]-padding[1]] merged_data = np.zeros((original_shape), dtype=np.float32) if data_mask is not None: merged_data_mask = np.zeros((original_shape[:-1]+(data_mask.shape[-1],)), dtype=np.float32) data_mask = data_mask[:, padding[0]:data_mask.shape[1]-padding[0], padding[1]:data_mask.shape[2]-padding[1]] ov_map_counter = np.zeros(original_shape[:-1]+(1,), dtype=np.int32) if out_dir is not None: crop_grid = np.zeros(original_shape[1:], dtype=np.int32) # Calculate overlapping variables overlap_x = 1 if overlap[0] == 0 else 1-overlap[0] overlap_y = 1 if overlap[1] == 0 else 1-overlap[1] padded_data_shape = [original_shape[1]+2*padding[0], original_shape[2]+2*padding[1]] # Y step_y = int((pad_input_shape[1]-padding[0]*2)*overlap_y) crops_per_y = math.ceil(original_shape[1]/step_y) last_y = 0 if crops_per_y == 1 else (((crops_per_y-1)*step_y)+pad_input_shape[1])-padded_data_shape[0] ovy_per_block = last_y//(crops_per_y-1) if crops_per_y > 1 else 0 step_y -= ovy_per_block last_y -= ovy_per_block*(crops_per_y-1) # X step_x = int((pad_input_shape[2]-padding[1]*2)*overlap_x) crops_per_x = math.ceil(original_shape[2]/step_x) last_x = 0 if crops_per_x == 1 else (((crops_per_x-1)*step_x)+pad_input_shape[2])-padded_data_shape[1] ovx_per_block = last_x//(crops_per_x-1) if crops_per_x > 1 else 0 step_x -= ovx_per_block last_x -= ovx_per_block*(crops_per_x-1) # Real overlap calculation for printing real_ov_y = ovy_per_block/(pad_input_shape[1]-padding[0]*2) real_ov_x = ovx_per_block/(pad_input_shape[2]-padding[1]*2) if verbose: print("Real overlapping (%): {}".format((real_ov_x,real_ov_y))) print("Real overlapping (pixels): {}".format(((pad_input_shape[2]-padding[1]*2)*real_ov_x, (pad_input_shape[1]-padding[0]*2)*real_ov_y))) print("{} patches per (x,y) axis".format((crops_per_x,crops_per_y))) c = 0 for z in range(original_shape[0]): for y in range(crops_per_y): for x in range(crops_per_x): d_y = 0 if (y*step_y+data.shape[1]) < original_shape[1] else last_y d_x = 0 if (x*step_x+data.shape[2]) < original_shape[2] else last_x merged_data[z,y*step_y-d_y:y*step_y+data.shape[1]-d_y, x*step_x-d_x:x*step_x+data.shape[2]-d_x] += data[c] if data_mask is not None: merged_data_mask[z, y*step_y-d_y:y*step_y+data.shape[1]-d_y, x*step_x-d_x:x*step_x+data.shape[2]-d_x] += data_mask[c] ov_map_counter[z, y*step_y-d_y:y*step_y+data.shape[1]-d_y, x*step_x-d_x:x*step_x+data.shape[2]-d_x] += 1 if z == 0 and out_dir is not None: crop_grid[y*step_y-d_y:y*step_y+data.shape[1]-d_y, x*step_x-d_x] = 1 crop_grid[y*step_y-d_y:y*step_y+data.shape[1]-d_y, x*step_x+data.shape[2]-d_x-1] = 1 crop_grid[y*step_y-d_y, x*step_x-d_x:x*step_x+data.shape[2]-d_x] = 1 crop_grid[y*step_y+data.shape[1]-d_y-1, x*step_x-d_x:x*step_x+data.shape[2]-d_x] = 1 c += 1 merged_data = np.true_divide(merged_data, ov_map_counter).astype(data.dtype) if data_mask is not None: merged_data_mask = np.true_divide(merged_data_mask, ov_map_counter).astype(data_mask.dtype) # Save a copy of the merged data with the overlapped regions colored as: green when 2 crops overlap, yellow when # (2 < x < 6) and red when more than 6 overlaps are merged if out_dir is not None: os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) ov_map = ov_map_counter[0] ov_map = ov_map.astype('int32') ov_map[np.where(ov_map_counter[0] >= 2)] = -3 ov_map[np.where(ov_map_counter[0] >= 3)] = -2 ov_map[np.where(ov_map_counter[0] >= 6)] = -1 ov_map[np.where(crop_grid == 1)] = -4 # Paint overlap regions im = Image.fromarray(merged_data[0,...,0]) im = im.convert('RGBA') px = im.load() width, height = im.size for im_i in range(width): for im_j in range(height): # White borders if ov_map[im_j, im_i, 0] == -4: px[im_i, im_j] = (255, 255, 255, 255) # Overlap zone elif ov_map[im_j, im_i, 0] == -3: px[im_i, im_j] = tuple(map(sum, zip((0, 74, 0, 125), px[im_i, im_j]))) # 2 < x < 6 overlaps elif ov_map[im_j, im_i, 0] == -2: px[im_i, im_j] = tuple(map(sum, zip((74, 74, 0, 125), px[im_i, im_j]))) # 6 >= overlaps elif ov_map[im_j, im_i, 0] == -1: px[im_i, im_j] = tuple(map(sum, zip((74, 0, 0, 125), px[im_i, im_j]))), prefix + "merged_ov_map.png")) if verbose: print("**** New data shape is: {}".format(merged_data.shape)) print("### END MERGE-OV-CROP ###") if data_mask is not None: return merged_data, merged_data_mask else: return merged_data
[docs]def load_data_classification(data_dir, patch_shape, convert_to_rgb=True, expected_classes=None, cross_val=False, cross_val_nsplits=5, cross_val_fold=1, val_split=0.1, seed=0, shuffle_val=True, preprocess_cfg=None, preprocess_f=None): """ Load data to train classification methods. Parameters ---------- data_dir : str Path to the training data. patch_shape: Tuple of ints Shape of the patch. E.g. ``(y, x, channels)``. convert_to_rgb : bool, optional In case RGB images are expected, e.g. if ``crop_shape`` channel is 3, those images that are grayscale are converted into RGB. expected_classes : int, optional Expected number of classes to be loaded. cross_val : bool, optional Whether to use cross validation or not. cross_val_nsplits : int, optional Number of folds for the cross validation. cross_val_fold : int, optional Number of the fold to be used as validation. val_split : float, optional % of the train data used as validation (value between ``0`` and ``1``). seed : int, optional Seed value. shuffle_val : bool, optional Take random training examples to create validation data. preprocess_cfg : dict, optional Configuration parameters for preprocessing, is necessary in case you want to apply any preprocessing. preprocess_f : function, optional The preprocessing function, is necessary in case you want to apply any preprocessing. Returns ------- X_data : 4D Numpy array Train images. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. Y_data : 4D Numpy array Train images' mask. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. X_val : 4D Numpy array, optional Validation images (``val_split > 0``). E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. Y_val : 4D Numpy array, optional Validation images' mask (``val_split > 0``). E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. all_ids : List of str Loaded data filenames. test_index : List of ints Indexes of the samples beloging to the validation. """ print("### LOAD ###") # Check validation if val_split > 0 or cross_val: create_val = True else: create_val = False all_ids = [] class_names = sorted(next(os.walk(data_dir))[1]) if len(class_names) < 1: raise ValueError("There is no folder/class in {}".format(data_dir)) if expected_classes is not None: if expected_classes != len(class_names): raise ValueError("Found number of classes ({}) and 'MODEL.N_CLASSES' ({}) must match" .format(len(class_names), expected_classes)) else: print("Found {} classes".format(len(class_names))) X_data, Y_data = [], [] for c_num, folder in enumerate(class_names): f = os.path.join(data_dir, folder) print("Analizing folder {}".format(f)) ids = sorted(next(os.walk(f))[2]) if len(ids) == 0: raise ValueError("There are no images in class {}".format(f)) else: print("Found {} samples".format(len(ids))) # Loading images images, _, _, image_ids = load_data_from_dir(f, return_filenames=True, crop_shape=patch_shape, convert_to_rgb=convert_to_rgb, preprocess_cfg=preprocess_cfg, is_mask=False, preprocess_f=preprocess_f) X_data.append(images) Y_data.append((c_num,)*len(ids)) all_ids += image_ids # Fuse all data try: X_data = np.concatenate(X_data, 0) except: raise ValueError("Seems that there is a problem merging the image into just one array. Are you sure that all the images" " have the same shape? If not, do not try to load it into memory (DATA.*.IN_MEMORY variables)") Y_data = np.concatenate(Y_data, 0) Y_data = np.squeeze(Y_data) # Create validation data splitting the train if create_val: print("Creating validation data") if not cross_val: if len(X_data) == 1: raise ValueError("Validation data can not be extracted from training data as it only has one sample. Please check the data.") X_data, X_val, Y_data, Y_val = train_test_split( X_data, Y_data, test_size=val_split, shuffle=shuffle_val, random_state=seed, stratify=Y_data) else: if len(X_data) < cross_val_nsplits: raise ValueError(f"Validation data can not be extracted from training data as the number of splits ({cross_val_nsplits}) " f"is greater than the number of samples {len(X_data)}. Please check the data.") skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=cross_val_nsplits, shuffle=shuffle_val, random_state=seed) fold = 1 train_index, test_index = None, None for t_index, te_index in skf.split(X_data, Y_data): if cross_val_fold == fold: if not isinstance(X_data, list): X_data, X_val = X_data[t_index], X_data[te_index] Y_data, Y_val = Y_data[t_index], Y_data[te_index] else: X_val = [] Y_val = [] for val_idx in te_index: X_val.append(X_data[val_idx]) Y_val.append(Y_data[val_idx]) for val_idx in te_index: del X_val[val_idx] del Y_val[val_idx] train_index, test_index = t_index.copy(), te_index.copy() break fold+= 1 if len(test_index) > 5: print("Fold number {}. Printing the first 5 ids: {}".format(fold, test_index[:5])) else: print("Fold number {}. Indexes used in cross validation: {}".format(fold, test_index)) if create_val: print("*** Loaded train data shape is: {}".format(X_data.shape)) print("*** Loaded validation data shape is: {}".format(X_val.shape)) if not cross_val: return X_data, Y_data, X_val, Y_val, all_ids else: return X_data, Y_data, X_val, Y_val, all_ids, test_index else: print("*** Loaded train data shape is: {}".format(X_data.shape)) return X_data, Y_data, all_ids