Source code for biapy.utils.util

import os
import math
import numpy as np
import random
import h5py
import zarr
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.ndimage
import copy
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm
from import imsave, imread
from skimage import measure
from collections import namedtuple

from biapy.engine.metrics import jaccard_index_numpy, voc_calculation
from biapy.utils.misc import is_main_process

[docs]def create_plots(results, metrics, job_id, chartOutDir): """Create loss and main metric plots with the given results. Parameters ---------- results : Keras History object Record of training loss values and metrics values at successive epochs. History object is returned by Keras `fit() <>`_ method. metrics : List of str Metrics used. job_id : str Jod identifier. chartOutDir : str Path where the charts will be stored into. Examples -------- +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | .. figure:: ../../img/chart_loss.png | .. figure:: ../../img/chart_jaccard_index.png | | :width: 80% | :width: 80% | | :align: center | :align: center | | | | | Loss values on each epoch | Jaccard index values on each epoch | +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ """ print("Creating training plots . . .") os.makedirs(chartOutDir, exist_ok=True) # For matplotlib errors in display os.environ['QT_QPA_PLATFORM']='offscreen' # Loss plt.plot(results['loss']) if 'val_loss' in results: plt.plot(results['val_loss']) plt.title('Model JOBID=' + job_id + ' loss') plt.ylabel('Value') plt.xlabel('Epoch') if 'val_loss' in results: plt.legend(['Train loss', 'Val. loss'], loc='upper left') else: plt.legend(['Train loss'], loc='upper left') plt.savefig(os.path.join(chartOutDir, job_id + '_loss.png')) plt.clf() # Metric for i in range(len(metrics)): plt.plot(results[metrics[i]]) plt.plot(results['val_' + metrics[i]]) plt.title('Model JOBID=' + job_id + " " + metrics[i]) plt.ylabel('Value') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.legend([f'Train {metrics[i]}', f'Val. {metrics[i]}'], loc='upper left') plt.savefig(os.path.join(chartOutDir, job_id + '_' + metrics[i] +'.png')) plt.clf()
[docs]def threshold_plots(preds_test, Y_test, n_dig, job_id, job_file, char_dir, r_val=0.5): """Create a plot with the different metric values binarizing the prediction with different thresholds, from ``0.1`` to ``0.9``. Parameters ---------- preds_test : 4D Numpy array Predictions made by the model. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. Y_test : 4D Numpy array Ground truth of the data. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. n_dig : int The number of digits used for encoding temporal indices (e.g. ``3``). Used by the DET calculation binary. job_id : str Id of the job. job_file : str Id and run number of the job. char_dir : str Path to store the charts generated. r_val : float, optional Threshold values to return. Returns ------- t_jac : float Value of the Jaccard index when the threshold is ``r_val``. t_voc : float Value of VOC when the threshold is ``r_val``. Examples -------- :: jac, voc = threshold_plots( preds_test, Y_test, det_eval_ge_path, det_eval_path, det_bin, n_dig, args.job_id, '278_3', char_dir) Will generate 3 charts, one per each metric: IoU and VOC. In the x axis represents the 9 different thresholds applied, that is: ``0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ..., 0.9``. The y axis is the value of the metric in each chart. For instance, the Jaccard/IoU chart will look like this: .. image:: ../../img/278_3_threshold_Jaccard.png :width: 60% :align: center In this example, the best value, ``0.868``, is obtained with a threshold of ``0.4``. """ char_dir = os.path.join(char_dir, "t_" + job_file) t_jac = np.zeros(9) t_voc = np.zeros(9) objects = [] r_val_pos = 0 for i, t in enumerate(np.arange(0.1,1.0,0.1)): if t == r_val: r_val_pos = i objects.append(str('%.2f' % float(t))) # Threshold images bin_preds_test = (preds_test > t).astype(np.uint8) # Metrics (Jaccard + VOC) print("Calculate metrics . . .") t_jac[i] = jaccard_index_numpy(Y_test, bin_preds_test) t_voc[i] = voc_calculation(Y_test, bin_preds_test, t_jac[i]) print("t_jac[{}]: {}".format(i, t_jac[i])) print("t_voc[{}]: {}".format(i, t_voc[i])) # For matplotlib errors in display os.environ['QT_QPA_PLATFORM']='offscreen' os.makedirs(char_dir, exist_ok=True) # Plot Jaccard values plt.clf() plt.plot(objects, t_jac) plt.title('Model JOBID=' + job_file + ' Jaccard', y=1.08) plt.ylabel('Value') plt.xlabel('Threshold') for k, point in enumerate(zip(objects, t_jac)): plt.text(point[0], point[1], '%.3f' % float(t_jac[k])) plt.savefig(os.path.join(char_dir, job_file + '_threshold_Jaccard.png')) plt.clf() # Plot VOC values plt.plot(objects, t_voc) plt.title('Model JOBID=' + job_file + ' VOC', y=1.08) plt.ylabel('Value') plt.xlabel('Threshold') for k, point in enumerate(zip(objects, t_voc)): plt.text(point[0], point[1], '%.3f' % float(t_voc[k])) plt.savefig(os.path.join(char_dir, job_file + '_threshold_VOC.png')) plt.clf() return t_jac[r_val_pos], t_voc[r_val_pos]
[docs]def save_tif(X, data_dir=None, filenames=None, verbose=True): """Save images in the given directory. Parameters ---------- X : 4D/5D numpy array Data to save as images. The first dimension must be the number of images. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)`` or ``(num_of_images, z, y, x, channels)``. data_dir : str, optional Path to store X images. filenames : List, optional Filenames that should be used when saving each image. verbose : bool, optional To print saving information. """ if verbose: s = X.shape if not isinstance(X, list) else X[0].shape print("Saving {} data as .tif in folder: {}".format(s, data_dir)) os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True) if filenames is not None: if len(filenames) != len(X): raise ValueError("Filenames array and length of X have different shapes: {} vs {}".format(len(filenames),len(X))) if not isinstance(X, list): _dtype = X.dtype if X.dtype in [np.uint8, np.uint16, np.float32] else np.float32 ndims = X.ndim else: _dtype = X[0].dtype if X[0].dtype in [np.uint8, np.uint16, np.float32] else np.float32 ndims = X[0].ndim d = len(str(len(X))) for i in tqdm(range(len(X)), leave=False, disable=not is_main_process()): if filenames is None: f = os.path.join(data_dir, str(i).zfill(d)+'.tif') else: f = os.path.join(data_dir, os.path.splitext(filenames[i])[0]+'.tif') if ndims == 4: if not isinstance(X, list): aux = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(X[i],0).transpose((0,3,1,2)), -1).astype(_dtype) else: aux = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(X[i][0],0).transpose((0,3,1,2)), -1).astype(_dtype) else: if not isinstance(X, list): aux = np.expand_dims(X[i].transpose((0,3,1,2)), -1).astype(_dtype) else: aux = np.expand_dims(X[i][0].transpose((0,3,1,2)), -1).astype(_dtype) try: imsave(f, np.expand_dims(aux, 0), imagej=True, metadata={'axes': 'TZCYXS'}, check_contrast=False, compression=('zlib', 1)) except: imsave(f, np.expand_dims(aux, 0), imagej=True, metadata={'axes': 'TZCYXS'}, check_contrast=False)
[docs]def save_tif_pair_discard(X, Y, data_dir=None, suffix="", filenames=None, discard=True, verbose=True): """Save images in the given directory. Parameters ---------- X : 4D/5D numpy array Data to save as images. The first dimension must be the number of images. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)`` or ``(num_of_images, z, y, x, channels)``. Y : 4D/5D numpy array Data mask to save. The first dimension must be the number of images. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)`` or ``(num_of_images, z, y, x, channels)``. data_dir : str, optional Path to store X images. suffix : str, optional Suffix to apply on output directory. filenames : List, optional Filenames that should be used when saving each image. discard : bool, optional Whether to discard image/mask pairs if the mask has no label information. verbose : bool, optional To print saving information. """ if verbose: s = X.shape if not isinstance(X, list) else X[0].shape print("Saving {} data as .tif in folder: {}".format(s, data_dir)) os.makedirs(os.path.join(data_dir, 'x'+suffix), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(data_dir, 'y'+suffix), exist_ok=True) if filenames is not None: if len(filenames) != len(X): raise ValueError("Filenames array and length of X have different shapes: {} vs {}".format(len(filenames),len(X))) _dtype = X.dtype if X.dtype in [np.uint8, np.uint16, np.float32] else np.float32 d = len(str(len(X))) for i in tqdm(range(X.shape[0]), leave=False, disable=not is_main_process()): if len(np.unique(Y[i])) >= 2 or not discard: if filenames is None: f1 = os.path.join(data_dir, 'x'+suffix, str(i).zfill(d)+'.tif') f2 = os.path.join(data_dir, 'y'+suffix, str(i).zfill(d)+'.tif') else: f1 = os.path.join(data_dir, 'x'+suffix, os.path.splitext(filenames[i])[0]+'.tif') f2 = os.path.join(data_dir, 'y'+suffix, os.path.splitext(filenames[i])[0]+'.tif') if X.ndim == 4: aux = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(X[i],0).transpose((0,3,1,2)), -1).astype(_dtype) else: aux = np.expand_dims(X[i].transpose((0,3,1,2)), -1).astype(_dtype) imsave(f1, np.expand_dims(aux, 0), imagej=True, metadata={'axes': 'TZCYXS'}, check_contrast=False, compression=('zlib', 1)) if Y.ndim == 4: aux = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(Y[i],0).transpose((0,3,1,2)), -1).astype(_dtype) else: aux = np.expand_dims(Y[i].transpose((0,3,1,2)), -1).astype(_dtype) imsave(f2, np.expand_dims(aux, 0), imagej=True, metadata={'axes': 'TZCYXS'}, check_contrast=False, compression=('zlib', 1))
[docs]def save_img(X=None, data_dir=None, Y=None, mask_dir=None, scale_mask=True, prefix="", extension=".png", filenames=None): """Save images in the given directory. Parameters ---------- X : 4D numpy array, optional Data to save as images. The first dimension must be the number of images. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. data_dir : str, optional Path to store X images. Y : 4D numpy array, optional Masks to save as images. The first dimension must be the number of images. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. scale_mask : bool, optional To allow mask be multiplied by 255. mask_dir : str, optional Path to store Y images. prefix : str, optional Path to store generated charts. filenames : list, optional Filenames that should be used when saving each image. If any provided each image should be named as: ``prefix + "_x_" + image_number + extension`` when ``X.ndim < 4`` and ``prefix + "_x_" + image_number + "_" + slice_numger + extension`` otherwise. E.g. ``prefix_x_000.png`` when ``X.ndim < 4`` or ``prefix_x_000_000.png`` when ``X.ndim >= 4``. The same applies to ``Y``. """ if prefix == "": p_x = "x_" p_y = "y_" else: p_x = prefix + "_x_" p_y = prefix + "_y_" if X is not None: if data_dir is not None: os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True) else: print("Not data_dir provided so no image will be saved!") return print("Saving images in {}".format(data_dir)) v = 1 if np.max(X) > 2 else 255 if X.ndim > 4: d = len(str(X.shape[0]*X.shape[3])) for i in tqdm(range(X.shape[0]), disable=not is_main_process()): for j in range(X.shape[3]): if X.shape[-1] == 1: im = Image.fromarray((X[i,:,:,j,0]*v).astype(np.uint8)) im = im.convert('L') else: im = Image.fromarray((X[i,:,:,j]*v).astype(np.uint8), 'RGB') if filenames is None: f = os.path.join(data_dir, p_x + str(i).zfill(d) + "_" + str(j).zfill(d) + extension) else: f = os.path.join(data_dir, filenames[(i*j)+j] + extension) else: d = len(str(X.shape[0])) for i in tqdm(range(X.shape[0]), disable=not is_main_process()): if X.shape[-1] == 1: im = Image.fromarray((X[i,:,:,0]*v).astype(np.uint8)) im = im.convert('L') else: im = Image.fromarray((X[i]*v).astype(np.uint8), 'RGB') if filenames is None: f = os.path.join(data_dir, p_x + str(i).zfill(d) + extension) else: f = os.path.join(data_dir, filenames[i] + extension) if Y is not None: if mask_dir is not None: os.makedirs(mask_dir, exist_ok=True) else: print("Not mask_dir provided so no image will be saved!") return print("Saving images in {}".format(mask_dir)) v = 1 if np.max(Y) > 2 or not scale_mask else 255 if Y.ndim > 4: d = len(str(Y.shape[0]*Y.shape[3])) for i in tqdm(range(Y.shape[0]), disable=not is_main_process()): for j in range(Y.shape[3]): for k in range(Y.shape[-1]): im = Image.fromarray((Y[i,:,:,j,k]*v).astype(np.uint8)) im = im.convert('L') if filenames is None: c = "" if Y.shape[-1] == 1 else "_c"+str(j) f = os.path.join(mask_dir, p_y + str(i).zfill(d) + "_" + str(j).zfill(d)+c+extension) else: f = os.path.join(data_dir, filenames[(i*j)+j] + extension) else: d = len(str(Y.shape[0])) for i in tqdm(range(0, Y.shape[0]), disable=not is_main_process()): for j in range(Y.shape[-1]): im = Image.fromarray((Y[i,:,:,j]*v).astype(np.uint8)) im = im.convert('L') if filenames is None: c = "" if Y.shape[-1] == 1 else "_c"+str(j) f = os.path.join(mask_dir, p_y+str(i).zfill(d)+c+extension) else: f = os.path.join(mask_dir, filenames[i] + extension)
[docs]def make_weight_map(label, binary = True, w0 = 10, sigma = 5): """Generates a weight map in order to make the U-Net learn better the borders of cells and distinguish individual cells that are tightly packed. These weight maps follow the methodology of the original U-Net paper. Based on `unet/py_files/ <>`_. Parameters ---------- label : 3D numpy array Corresponds to a label image. E.g. ``(y, x, channels)``. binary : bool, optional Corresponds to whether or not the labels are binary. w0 : float, optional Controls for the importance of separating tightly associated entities. sigma : int, optional Represents the standard deviation of the Gaussian used for the weight map. Examples -------- Notice that weight has been defined where the objects are almost touching each other. .. image:: ../../img/weight_map.png :width: 650 :align: center """ # Initialization. lab = np.array(label) lab_multi = lab if len(lab.shape) == 3: lab = lab[:, :, 0] # Get shape of label. rows, cols = lab.shape if binary: # Converts the label into a binary image with background = 0 # and cells = 1. lab[lab == 255] = 1 # Builds w_c which is the class balancing map. In our case, we want # cells to have weight 2 as they are more important than background # which is assigned weight 1. w_c = np.array(lab, dtype=float) w_c[w_c == 1] = 1 w_c[w_c == 0] = 0.5 # Converts the labels to have one class per object (cell). lab_multi = measure.label(lab, neighbors = 8, background = 0) else: # Converts the label into a binary image with background = 0. # and cells = 1. lab[lab > 0] = 1 # Builds w_c which is the class balancing map. In our case, we want # cells to have weight 2 as they are more important than background # which is assigned weight 1. w_c = np.array(lab, dtype=float) w_c[w_c == 1] = 1 w_c[w_c == 0] = 0.5 components = np.unique(lab_multi) n_comp = len(components)-1 maps = np.zeros((n_comp, rows, cols)) map_weight = np.zeros((rows, cols)) if n_comp >= 2: for i in range(n_comp): # Only keeps current object. tmp = (lab_multi == components[i+1]) # Invert tmp so that it can have the correct distance. # transform tmp = ~tmp # For each pixel, computes the distance transform to # each object. maps[i][:][:] = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(tmp) maps = np.sort(maps, axis=0) # Get distance to the closest object (d1) and the distance to the second # object (d2). d1 = maps[0][:][:] d2 = maps[1][:][:] map_weight = w0*np.exp(-((d1+d2)**2)/(2*(sigma**2)) ) * (lab==0).astype(int); map_weight += w_c return map_weight
[docs]def do_save_wm(labels, path, binary = True, w0 = 10, sigma = 5): """Retrieves the label images, applies the weight-map algorithm and save the weight maps in a folder. Uses internally :meth:`util.make_weight_map`. Based on `deepimagejunet/py_files/ <>`_. Parameters ---------- labels : 4D numpy array Corresponds to given label images. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. path : str Refers to the path where the weight maps should be saved. binary : bool, optional Corresponds to whether or not the labels are binary. w0 : float, optional Controls for the importance of separating tightly associated entities. sigma : int, optional Represents the standard deviation of the Gaussian used for the weight map. """ # Copy labels. labels_ = copy.deepcopy(labels) # Perform weight maps. for i in range(len(labels_)): labels_[i] = make_weight_map(labels[i].copy(), binary, w0, sigma) maps = np.array(labels_) n, rows, cols = maps.shape # Resize correctly the maps so that it can be used in the model. maps = maps.reshape((n, rows, cols, 1)) # Count number of digits in n. This is important for the number # of leading zeros in the name of the maps. n_digits = len(str(n)) # Save path with correct leading zeros. path_to_save = path + "weight/{b:0" + str(n_digits) + "d}.npy" # Saving files as .npy files. for i in range(len(labels_)):, labels_[i]) return None
[docs]def foreground_percentage(mask, class_tag): """Percentage of pixels that corresponds to the class in the given image. Parameters ---------- mask : 2D Numpy array Image mask to analize. class_tag : int Class to find in the image. Returns ------- x : float Percentage of pixels that corresponds to the class. Value between ``0`` and ``1``. """ c = 0 for i in range(0, mask.shape[0]): for j in range(0, mask.shape[1]): if mask[i, j, 0] == class_tag: c = c + 1 return c/(mask.shape[0]*mask.shape[1])
[docs]def divide_images_on_classes(data, data_mask, out_dir, num_classes=2, th=0.8): """Create a folder for each class where the images that have more pixels labeled as the class (in percentage) than the given threshold will be stored. Parameters ---------- data : 4D numpy array Data to save as images. The first dimension must be the number of images. E. g.``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. data_mask : 4D numpy array Data mask to save as images. The first dimension must be the number of images. E. g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. out_dir : str Path to save the images. num_classes : int, optional Number of classes. th : float, optional Percentage of the pixels that must be labeled as a class to save it inside that class folder. """ # Create the directories for i in range(num_classes): os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_dir, "x", "class"+str(i)), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_dir, "y", "class"+str(i)), exist_ok=True) print("Dividing provided data into {} classes . . .".format(num_classes)) d = len(str(data.shape[0])) for i in tqdm(range(data.shape[0]), disable=not is_main_process()): # Assign the image to a class if it has, in percentage, more pixels of # that class than the given threshold for j in range(num_classes): t = foreground_percentage(data_mask[i], j) if t > th: im = Image.fromarray(data[i,:,:,0]) im = im.convert('L'), "x", "class"+str(j)), "im_" + str(i).zfill(d) + ".png")) im = Image.fromarray(data_mask[i,:,:,0]*255) im = im.convert('L'), "y", "class"+str(j)), "mask_" + str(i).zfill(d) + ".png"))
[docs]def save_filters_of_convlayer(model, out_dir, l_num=None, name=None, prefix="", img_per_row=8): """Create an image of the filters learned by a convolutional layer. One can identify the layer with ``l_num`` or ``name`` args. If both are passed ``name`` will be prioritized. Inspired by Parameters ---------- model : Keras Model Model where the layers are stored. out_dir : str Path where the image will be stored. l_num : int, optional Number of the layer to extract filters from. name : str, optional Name of the layer to extract filters from. prefix : str, optional Prefix to add to the output image name. img_per_row : int, optional Filters per row on the image. Raises ------ ValueError if ``l_num`` and ``name`` not provided. Examples -------- To save the filters learned by the layer called ``conv1`` one can call the function as follows :: save_filters_of_convlayer(model, char_dir, name="conv1", prefix="model") That will save in ``out_dir`` an image like this: .. image:: ../../img/save_filters.png :width: 60% :align: center """ if l_num is None and name is None: raise ValueError("One between 'l_num' or 'name' must be provided") # For matplotlib errors in display os.environ['QT_QPA_PLATFORM']='offscreen' # Find layer number of the layer named by 'name' variable if name is not None: pos = 0 for layer in model.layers: if name == break pos += 1 l_num = pos filters, biases = model.layers[l_num].get_weights() # normalize filter values to 0-1 so we can visualize them f_min, f_max = filters.min(), filters.max() filters = (filters - f_min) / (f_max - f_min) rows = int(math.floor(filters.shape[3]/img_per_row)) i = 0 for r in range(rows): for c in range(img_per_row): ax = plt.subplot(rows, img_per_row, i+1) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) f = filters[:,:,0,i] plt.imshow(filters[:,:,0,i], cmap='gray') i += 1 prefix += "_" if prefix != "" else prefix plt.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, prefix + 'f_layer' + str(l_num) + '.png')) plt.clf()
[docs]def check_masks(path, n_classes=2): """Check Whether the data masks have the correct labels inspection a few random images of the given path. If the function gives no error one should assume that the masks are correct. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the data mask. n_classes : int, optional Maximum classes that the masks must contain. """ print("Checking ground truth classes in {} . . .".format(path)) ids = sorted(next(os.walk(path))[2]) # Check only 4 random images or less if there are not as many num_sample = [4, len(ids)] numbers = random.sample(range(0, len(ids)), min(num_sample)) for i in numbers: img = imread(os.path.join(path, ids[i])) values, _ = np.unique(img, return_counts=True) if len(values) > n_classes : raise ValueError("Error: given mask ({}) has more classes than specified in 'MODEL.N_CLASSES'." "That variable value need to be counting with the background class." " E.g. if mask has [0,1,2] values 'MODEL.N_CLASSES' should be 3.\n" "Values found: {}".format(os.path.join(path, ids[i]), values))
[docs]def img_to_onehot_encoding(img, num_classes=2): """Converts image given into one-hot encode format. The opposite function is :func:`~onehot_encoding_to_img`. Parameters ---------- img : Numpy 3D/4D array Image. E.g. ``(y, x, channels)`` or ``(z, y, x, channels)``. num_classes : int, optional Number of classes to distinguish. Returns ------- one_hot_labels : Numpy 3D/4D array Data one-hot encoded. E.g. ``(y, x, num_classes)`` or ``(z, y, x, num_classes)``. """ if img.ndim == 4: shape = img.shape[:3]+(num_classes,) else: shape = img.shape[:2]+(num_classes,) encoded_image = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.int8) for i in range(num_classes): if img.ndim == 4: encoded_image[:,:,:,i] = np.all(img.reshape((-1,1)) == i, axis=1).reshape(shape[:3]) else: encoded_image[:,:,i] = np.all(img.reshape((-1,1)) == i, axis=1).reshape(shape[:2]) return encoded_image
[docs]def onehot_encoding_to_img(encoded_image): """Converts one-hot encode image into an image with jus tone channel and all the classes represented by an integer. The opposite function is :func:`~img_to_onehot_encoding`. Parameters ---------- encoded_image : Numpy 3D/4D array Image. E.g. ``(y, x, channels)`` or ``(z, y, x, channels)``. Returns ------- img : Numpy 3D/4D array Data one-hot encoded. E.g. ``(z, y, x, num_classes)``. """ if encoded_image.ndim == 4: shape = encoded_image.shape[:3]+(1,) else: shape = encoded_image.shape[:2]+(1,) img = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.int8) for i in range(img.shape[-1]): img[encoded_image[...,i] == 1] = i return img
[docs]def load_data_from_dir(data_dir, crop=False, crop_shape=None, overlap=(0,0), padding=(0,0), return_filenames=False, reflect_to_complete_shape=False, check_channel=True, convert_to_rgb=False, check_drange=True, preprocess_cfg=None, is_mask=False, preprocess_f=None): """Load data from a directory. If ``crop=False`` all the data is suposed to have the same shape. Parameters ---------- data_dir : str Path to read the data from. crop : bool, optional Crop each image into desired shape pointed by ``crop_shape``. crop_shape : Tuple of 3 ints, optional Shape of the crop to be made. E.g. ``(y, x, channels)``. overlap : Tuple of 2 floats, optional Amount of minimum overlap on x and y dimensions. The values must be on range ``[0, 1)``, that is, ``0%`` or ``99%`` of overlap. E. g. ``(y, x)``. padding : Tuple of 2 ints, optional Size of padding to be added on each axis ``(y, x)``. E.g. ``(24, 24)``. return_filenames : bool, optional Return a list with the loaded filenames. Useful when you need to save them afterwards with the same names as the original ones. reflect_to_complete_shape : bool, optional Whether to increase the shape of the dimension that have less size than selected patch size padding it with 'reflect'. check_channel : bool, optional Whether to check if the crop_shape channel matches with the loaded images' one. convert_to_rgb : bool, optional In case RGB images are expected, e.g. if ``crop_shape`` channel is 3, those images that are grayscale are converted into RGB. check_drange : bool, optional Whether to check if the data loaded is in the same range. preprocess_cfg : dict, optional Configuration parameters for preprocessing, is necessary in case you want to apply any preprocessing. is_mask : bool, optional Whether the data are masks. It is used to control the preprocessing of the data. preprocess_f : function, optional The preprocessing function, is necessary in case you want to apply any preprocessing. Returns ------- data : 4D Numpy array or list of 3D Numpy arrays Data loaded. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)`` if all files have same shape, otherwise a list of ``(y, x, channels)`` arrays will be returned. data_shape : List of tuples Shapes of all 3D images readed. Useful to reconstruct the original images together with ``crop_shape``. crop_shape : List of tuples Shape of the loaded 3D images after cropping. Useful to reconstruct the original images together with ``data_shape``. filenames : List of str, optional Loaded filenames. Examples -------- :: # EXAMPLE 1 # Case where we need to load 165 images of shape (1024, 768) data_path = "data/train/x" load_data_from_dir(data_path) # The function will print the shape of the created array. In this example: # *** Loaded data shape is (165, 768, 1024, 1) # Notice height and width swap because of Numpy ndarray terminology # EXAMPLE 2 # Case where we need to load 165 images of shape (1024, 768) but # cropping them into (256, 256, 1) patches data_path = "data/train/x" crop_shape = (256, 256, 1) load_data_from_dir(data_path, crop=True, crop_shape=crop_shape) # The function will print the shape of the created array. In this example: # *** Loaded data shape is (1980, 256, 256, 1) """ if preprocess_f != None and preprocess_cfg == None: raise ValueError("The preprocessing configuration ('preprocess_cfg') is missing.") if crop: from import crop_data_with_overlap print("Loading data from {}".format(data_dir)) ids = sorted(next(os.walk(data_dir))[2]) fids = sorted(next(os.walk(data_dir))[1]) data = [] data_shape = [] c_shape = [] filenames = [] if len(ids) == 0: if len(fids) == 0: # Trying Zarr raise ValueError("No images found in dir {}".format(data_dir)) _ids = fids else: _ids = ids for n, id_ in tqdm(enumerate(_ids), total=len(_ids), disable=not is_main_process()): if id_.endswith('.npy'): img = np.load(os.path.join(data_dir, id_)) elif id_.endswith('.hdf5') or id_.endswith('.h5'): img = h5py.File(os.path.join(data_dir, id_),'r') img = np.array(img[list(img)[0]]) else: if len(ids) > 0: img = imread(os.path.join(data_dir, id_)) else: # Working with Zarr _, img = read_chunked_data(os.path.join(data_dir, fids[n])) img = np.array(img) img = np.squeeze(img) if img.ndim > 3: raise ValueError("Read image seems to be 3D: {}. Path: {}".format(img.shape, os.path.join(data_dir, id_))) filenames.append(id_) if img.ndim == 2: img = np.expand_dims(img, -1) else: if img.shape[0] <= 3: img = img.transpose((1,2,0)) if reflect_to_complete_shape: img = pad_and_reflect(img, crop_shape, verbose=False) if crop_shape is not None and check_channel: if crop_shape[-1] != img.shape[-1]: if crop_shape[-1] == 3 and convert_to_rgb: img = np.repeat(img, 3, axis=-1) else: raise ValueError("Channel of the patch size given {} does not correspond with the loaded image {}. " "Please, check the channels of the images!".format(crop_shape[-1], img.shape[-1])) if preprocess_f == None: data_shape.append(img.shape) img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) if crop and img[0].shape != crop_shape[:2]+(img.shape[-1],): img = crop_data_with_overlap(img, crop_shape[:2]+(img.shape[-1],), overlap=overlap, padding=padding, verbose=False) c_shape.append(img.shape) data.append(img) if preprocess_f != None: if is_mask: # data contains masks data = preprocess_f(preprocess_cfg, y_data = data, is_2d = True, is_y_mask = is_mask) else: data = preprocess_f(preprocess_cfg, x_data = data, is_2d = True) _data = [] for img_num in range(len(data)): img = data[img_num] data_shape.append(img.shape) img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) if crop and img[0].shape != crop_shape[:2]+(img.shape[-1],): img = crop_data_with_overlap(img, crop_shape[:2]+(img.shape[-1],), overlap=overlap, padding=padding, verbose=False) c_shape.append(img.shape) _data.append(img) del data data = _data same_shape = True s = data[0].shape dtype = data[0].dtype drange = data_range(data[0]) for i in range(1,len(data)): if check_drange and drange != data_range(data[i]): raise ValueError("Input images ({} vs {}) seem to have different data ranges ({} and {} found) Please check it " "and ensure all images have same data type" .format(filenames[0], filenames[i], drange, data_range(data[i]))) if s != data[i].shape: same_shape = False if crop or same_shape: data = np.concatenate(data) print("*** Loaded data shape is {}".format(data.shape)) else: print("Not all samples seem to have the same shape. Number of samples: {}".format(len(data))) print("*** First sample shape is {}".format(data[0].shape[1:])) if return_filenames: return data, data_shape, c_shape, filenames else: return data, data_shape, c_shape
[docs]def load_ct_data_from_dir(data_dir, shape=None): """Load CT data from a directory. Parameters ---------- data_dir : str Path to read the data from. shape : 3D int tuple, optional Shape of the data to load. If is not provided the shape is calculated automatically looping over all data files and it will be the maximum value found per axis. So, given the value the process should be faster. E.g. ``(y, x, channels)``. Returns ------- data : 4D Numpy array Data loaded. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)``. Examples -------- :: # EXAMPLE 1 # Case where we need to load 165 images of shape (1024, 768) data_path = "data/train/x" data_shape = (1024, 768, 1) load_data_from_dir(data_path, data_shape) # The function will print list's first position array's shape. In this example: # *** Loaded data[0] shape is (165, 768, 1024, 1) # Notice height and width swap because of Numpy ndarray terminology """ import nibabel as nib print("Loading data from {}".format(data_dir)) ids = sorted(next(os.walk(data_dir))[2]) if shape is None: # Determine max in each dimension first max_x = 0 max_y = 0 max_z = 0 for n, id_ in tqdm(enumerate(ids), total=len(ids), disable=not is_main_process()): img = nib.load(os.path.join(data_dir, id_)) img = np.array(img.dataobj) max_x = img.shape[0] if max_x < img.shape[0] else max_x max_y = img.shape[1] if max_y < img.shape[1] else max_y max_z = img.shape[2] if max_z < img.shape[2] else max_z _shape = (max_x, max_y, max_z) else: _shape = shape # Create the array data = np.zeros((len(ids), ) + _shape, dtype=np.float32) for n, id_ in tqdm(enumerate(ids), total=len(ids), disable=not is_main_process()): img = nib.load(os.path.join(data_dir, id_)) img = np.array(img.dataobj) data[n,0:img.shape[0],0:img.shape[1],0:img.shape[2]] = img print("*** Loaded data shape is {}".format(data.shape)) return data
[docs]def load_3d_images_from_dir(data_dir, crop=False, crop_shape=None, verbose=False, overlap=(0,0,0), padding=(0,0,0), median_padding=False, reflect_to_complete_shape=False, check_channel=True, convert_to_rgb=False, check_drange=True, return_filenames=False, preprocess_cfg=None, is_mask=False, preprocess_f=None): """Load data from a directory. Parameters ---------- data_dir : str Path to read the data from. crop : bool, optional Crop each 3D image when readed. crop_shape : Tuple of 4 ints, optional Shape of the subvolumes to create when cropping. E.g. ``(z, y, x, channels)``. verbose : bool, optional Whether to enable verbosity. overlap : Tuple of 3 floats, optional Amount of minimum overlap on z, y and x dimensions. The values must be on range ``[0, 1)``, that is, ``0%`` or ``99%`` of overlap. E.g. ``(z, y, x)``. padding : Tuple of 3 ints, optional Size of padding to be added on each axis ``(z, y, x)``. E.g. ``(24, 24, 24)``. median_padding : bool, optional If ``True`` the padding value is the median value. If ``False``, the added values are zeroes. reflect_to_complete_shape : bool, optional Whether to increase the shape of the dimension that have less size than selected patch size padding it with 'reflect'. check_channel : bool, optional Whether to check if the crop_shape channel matches with the loaded images' one. convert_to_rgb : bool, optional In case RGB images are expected, e.g. if ``crop_shape`` channel is 3, those images that are grayscale are converted into RGB. check_drange : bool, optional Whether to check if the data loaded is in the same range. preprocess_cfg : dict, optional Configuration parameters for preprocessing, is necessary in case you want to apply any preprocessing. is_mask : bool, optional Whether the data are masks. It is used to control the preprocessing of the data. preprocess_f : function, optional The preprocessing function, is necessary in case you want to apply any preprocessing. return_filenames : bool, optional Return a list with the loaded filenames. Useful when you need to save them afterwards with the same names as the original ones. Returns ------- data : 5D Numpy array or list of 4D Numpy arrays Data loaded. E.g. ``(num_of_images, z, y, x, channels)`` if all files have same shape, otherwise a list of ``(1, z, y, x, channels)`` arrays will be returned. data_shape : List of tuples Shapes of all 3D images readed. Useful to reconstruct the original images together with ``crop_shape``. crop_shape : List of tuples Shape of the loaded 3D images after cropping. Useful to reconstruct the original images together with ``data_shape``. filenames : List of str, optional Loaded filenames. Examples -------- :: # EXAMPLE 1 # Case where we need to load 20 images of shape (1024, 1024, 91, 1) data_path = "data/train/x" data = load_data_from_dir(data_path) # The function will print list's first position array's shape. In this example: # *** Loaded data[0] shape is (20, 91, 1024, 1024, 1) # Notice height, width and depth swap as imread function # is used to load images # EXAMPLE 2 # Same as example 1 but with unknown shape, cropping them into (256, 256, 40, 1) subvolumes with minimum # overlap and storing filenames. data_path = "data/train/x" X_test, orig_test_img_shapes, \ crop_test_img_shapes, te_filenames = load_3d_images_from_dir( test_path, crop=True, crop_shape=(256, 256, 40, 1), overlap=(0,0,0), return_filenames=True) # The function will print the shape of the created array which its size is the concatenation in 0 axis of all # subvolumes created for each 3D image in the given path. For example: # *** Loaded data shape is (350, 40, 256, 256, 1) # Notice height, width and depth swap as imread function is used to load images. """ if crop and crop_shape is None: raise ValueError("'crop_shape' must be provided when 'crop' is True") if preprocess_f != None and preprocess_cfg == None: raise ValueError("The preprocessing configuration ('preprocess_cfg') is missing.") print("Loading data from {}".format(data_dir)) ids = sorted(next(os.walk(data_dir))[2]) fids = sorted(next(os.walk(data_dir))[1]) if len(ids) == 0: if len(fids) == 0: # Trying Zarr raise ValueError("No images found in dir {}".format(data_dir)) _ids = fids else: _ids = ids if crop: from import crop_3D_data_with_overlap data = [] data_shape = [] c_shape = [] filenames = [] ax = None # Read images for n, id_ in tqdm(enumerate(_ids), total=len(_ids), disable=not is_main_process()): if id_.endswith('.npy'): img = np.load(os.path.join(data_dir, id_)) elif id_.endswith('.hdf5') or id_.endswith('.h5'): img = h5py.File(os.path.join(data_dir, id_),'r') img = np.array(img[list(img)[0]]) else: if len(ids) > 0: img = imread(os.path.join(data_dir, id_)) else: # Working with Zarr _, img = read_chunked_data(os.path.join(data_dir, fids[n])) img = np.array(img) img = np.squeeze(img) if img.ndim < 3: raise ValueError("Read image seems to be 2D: {}. Path: {}".format(img.shape, os.path.join(data_dir, id_))) if img.ndim == 3: img = np.expand_dims(img, -1) else: min_val = min(img.shape) channel_pos = img.shape.index(min_val) if channel_pos != 3 and img.shape[channel_pos] <= 4: new_pos = [x for x in range(4) if x != channel_pos]+[channel_pos,] img = img.transpose(new_pos) filenames.append(id_) if reflect_to_complete_shape: img = pad_and_reflect(img, crop_shape, verbose=verbose) if crop_shape is not None and check_channel: if crop_shape[-1] != img.shape[-1]: if crop_shape[-1] == 3 and convert_to_rgb: img = np.repeat(img, 3, axis=-1) else: raise ValueError("Channel of the patch size given {} does not correspond with the loaded image {}. " "Please, check the channels of the images!".format(crop_shape[-1], img.shape[-1])) if preprocess_f == None: data_shape.append(img.shape) if crop and img.shape != crop_shape[:3]+(img.shape[-1],): img = crop_3D_data_with_overlap(img, crop_shape[:3]+(img.shape[-1],), overlap=overlap, padding=padding, median_padding=median_padding, verbose=verbose) else: img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) c_shape.append(img.shape) data.append(img) if preprocess_f != None: if is_mask: # data contains masks data = preprocess_f(preprocess_cfg, y_data = data, is_2d = False, is_y_mask = is_mask) else: data = preprocess_f(preprocess_cfg, x_data = data, is_2d = False) _data = [] for img_num in range(len(data)): img = data[img_num] data_shape.append(img.shape) if crop and img.shape != crop_shape[:3]+(img.shape[-1],): img = crop_3D_data_with_overlap(img, crop_shape[:3]+(img.shape[-1],), overlap=overlap, padding=padding, median_padding=median_padding, verbose=verbose) else: img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) c_shape.append(img.shape) _data.append(img) del data data = _data same_shape = True s = data[0].shape dtype = data[0].dtype drange = data_range(data[0]) for i in range(1,len(data)): if check_drange and drange != data_range(data[i]): raise ValueError("Input images ({} vs {}) seem to have different data ranges ({} and {} found) Please check it " "and ensure all images have same data type" .format(filenames[0], filenames[i], drange, data_range(data[i]))) if s != data[i].shape: same_shape = False if crop or same_shape: data = np.concatenate(data) print("*** Loaded data shape is {}".format(data.shape)) else: print("Not all samples seem to have the same shape. Number of samples: {}".format(len(data))) print("*** First sample shape is {}".format(data[0].shape)) if return_filenames: return data, data_shape, c_shape, filenames else: return data, data_shape, c_shape
[docs]def check_downsample_division(X, d_levels): """Ensures ``X`` shape is divisible by ``2`` times ``d_levels`` adding padding if necessary. Parameters ---------- X : 4D Numpy array Data to check if its shape. E.g. ``(10, 1000, 1000, 1)``. d_levels : int Levels of downsampling by ``2``. Returns ------- X : 4D Numpy array Data divisible by 2 ``d_levels`` times. o_shape : 4 int tuple Original shape of ``X``. E.g. ``(10, 1000, 1000, 1)``. """ d_val = pow(2,d_levels) dy = math.ceil(X.shape[1]/d_val) dx = math.ceil(X.shape[2]/d_val) o_shape = X.shape if dy*d_val != X.shape[1] or dx*d_val != X.shape[2]: X = np.pad(X, ((0,0), (0,(dy*d_val)-X.shape[1]), (0,(dx*d_val)-X.shape[2]), (0,0))) print("Data has been padded to be downsampled {} times. Its shape now is: {}".format(d_levels, X.shape)) return X, o_shape
[docs]def save_npy_files(X, data_dir=None, filenames=None, verbose=True): """Save images in the given directory. Parameters ---------- X : 4D/5D numpy array Data to save as images. The first dimension must be the number of images. E.g. ``(num_of_images, y, x, channels)`` or ``(num_of_images, z, y, x, channels)``. data_dir : str, optional Path to store X images. filenames : List, optional Filenames that should be used when saving each image. verbose : bool, optional To print saving information. """ if verbose: s = X.shape if not isinstance(X, list) else X[0].shape print("Saving {} data as .npy in folder: {}".format(s, data_dir)) os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True) if filenames is not None: if len(filenames) != len(X): raise ValueError("Filenames array and length of X have different shapes: {} vs {}".format(len(filenames),len(X))) d = len(str(len(X))) for i in tqdm(range(len(X)), leave=False, disable=not is_main_process()): if filenames is None: f = os.path.join(data_dir, str(i).zfill(d)+'.npy') else: f = os.path.join(data_dir, os.path.splitext(filenames[i])[0]+'.npy') if isinstance(X, list):, X[i][0]) else:, X[i])
[docs]def pad_and_reflect(img, crop_shape, verbose=False): """Load data from a directory. Parameters ---------- img : 3D/4D Numpy array Image to pad. E.g. ``(y, x, channels)`` or ``(z, y, x, c)``. crop_shape : Tuple of 3/4 ints, optional Shape of the subvolumes to create when cropping. E.g. ``(y, x, channels)`` or ``(z, y, x, channels)``. verbose : bool, optional Whether to output information. Returns ------- img : 3D/4D Numpy array Image padded. E.g. ``(y, x, channels)`` or ``(z, y, x, channels)``. """ if img.ndim == 4 and len(crop_shape) != 4: raise ValueError("'crop_shape' needs to have 4 values as the input array has 4 dims") if img.ndim == 3 and len(crop_shape) != 3: raise ValueError("'crop_shape' needs to have 3 values as the input array has 3 dims") if img.ndim == 4: if img.shape[0] < crop_shape[0]: diff = crop_shape[0]-img.shape[0] o_shape = img.shape img = np.pad(img, ((diff,0),(0,0),(0,0),(0,0)), 'reflect') if verbose: print("Reflected from {} to {}".format(o_shape, img.shape)) if img.shape[1] < crop_shape[1]: diff = crop_shape[1]-img.shape[1] o_shape = img.shape img = np.pad(img, ((0,0),(diff,0),(0,0),(0,0)), 'reflect') if verbose: print("Reflected from {} to {}".format(o_shape, img.shape)) if img.shape[2] < crop_shape[2]: diff = crop_shape[2]-img.shape[2] o_shape = img.shape img = np.pad(img, ((0,0),(0,0),(diff,0),(0,0)), 'reflect') if verbose: print("Reflected from {} to {}".format(o_shape, img.shape)) else: if img.shape[0] < crop_shape[0]: diff = crop_shape[0]-img.shape[0] o_shape = img.shape img = np.pad(img, ((diff,0),(0,0),(0,0)), 'reflect') if verbose: print("Reflected from {} to {}".format(o_shape, img.shape)) if img.shape[1] < crop_shape[1]: diff = crop_shape[1]-img.shape[1] o_shape = img.shape img = np.pad(img, ((0,0),(diff,0),(0,0)), 'reflect') if verbose: print("Reflected from {} to {}".format(o_shape, img.shape)) return img
[docs]def check_value(value, value_range=(0,1)): """Checks if a value is within a range """ if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple): for i in range(len(value)): if isinstance(value[i], np.ndarray): if value_range[0] <= np.min(value[i]) or np.max(value[i]) <= value_range[1]: return False else: if not (value_range[0] <= value[i] <= value_range[1]): return False return True else: if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): if value_range[0] <= np.min(value) and np.max(value) <= value_range[1]: return True else: if value_range[0] <= value <= value_range[1]: return True return False
[docs]def data_range(x): if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("Input array of type {} and not numpy array".format(type(x))) if check_value(x, (0,1)): return "01 range" elif check_value(x, (0,255)): return "uint8 range" elif check_value(x, (0,65535)): return "uint16 range" else: return "none_range"
[docs]def read_chunked_data(filename): if isinstance(filename, str): if filename.endswith('.hdf5') or filename.endswith('.h5'): fid = h5py.File(filename,'r') data = fid[list(fid)[0]] elif filename.endswith('.zarr'): fid =,'r') if len(list((fid.group_keys()))) != 0: # if the zarr has groups fid = fid[list(fid.group_keys())[0]] if len(list((fid.array_keys()))) != 0: # if the zarr has arrays data = fid[list(fid.array_keys())[0]] else: data = fid else: raise ValueError(f"File extension {filename} not recognized") return fid, data
[docs]def write_chunked_data(data, data_dir, filename, dtype_str="float32", verbose=True): """ Save images in the given directory. Parameters ---------- data : 5D numpy array Data to save. E.g. ``(1, z, y, x, channels)``. data_dir : str Path to store X images. filename : str Filename of the data to use. dtype_str : str, optional Data type to use when saving. verbose : bool, optional To print saving information. """ if data.ndim != 5: raise ValueError(f"Expected data needs to have 5 dimensions (in 'TZYXC' order). Given data shape: {data.shape}") # Change to TZCYX data = data.transpose((0,1,4,2,3)) ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if verbose: print("Saving {} data as {} in folder: {}".format(data.shape, ext, data_dir)) os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True) if ext in ['.hdf5', '.h5']: fid = h5py.File(os.path.join(data_dir, filename), "w") data = fid.create_dataset("data", data=data, dtype=dtype_str, compression="gzip") # Zarr else: fid = zarr.open_group(os.path.join(data_dir, filename), mode="w") data = fid.create_dataset("data", data=data, dtype=dtype_str)
[docs]def order_dimensions(data, input_order, output_order='TZCYX', default_value=1): """ Reorder data from any input order to output order. Parameters ---------- data : Numpy array like data to reorder. E.g. ``(z, y, x, channels)``. input_order : str Order of the input data. E.g. ``ZYXC``. output_order : str, optional Order of the output data. E.g. ``TZCYX``. default_value : Any, optional Default value to use when a dimension is not present in the input order. Returns ------- shape : Tuple Reordered data. E.g. ``(t, z, channel, y, x)``. """ if input_order == output_order: return data output_data = [] for i in range(len(output_order)): if output_order[i] in input_order: output_data.append(data[input_order.index(output_order[i])]) else: output_data.append(default_value) return tuple(output_data)